Chapter 41

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"Am I wearing this right?" Cinder said, fidgeting with the belted wraparound blouse that had three different ties that were supposed to lace together.

"Yes, it's fine," said Iko. "Would you stop moving your head?" She slapped her hands on Cinder's ears to hold her head still.

Cinder shifted from foot to foot while Iko put her hair into a bun.

Iko had already dug her flawlessly-painted nails into my hair, making it match hers—delicately twisted into a knot with an orchid pinned in the side. Cinder and I had both donned the uniform the escort droid waitresses were wearing. I would have preferred something more comfortable in case we were required to fight, but there weren't really any other options available for cover.

"Let's go," Cinder said.

Only once we peered down the service corridor in each direction, confirming both that no one was around and that the pale lights on the nearest ceiling cameras were off, did I begin to appreciate the extent of our vulnerability.

Cinder was the most wanted criminal in the world returning to the scene of her crime. I was a hostage-turned fugitive from the New Beijing Palace. And Iko...well. Her hair was an attraction of its own.

"Locaiting Kai now," Cinder said. Her pupils dilated, which I had learned was a sign she was using the portscreen in her head.

She blinked a number of times. "Got him."

We kept to hallways that were expected to be unoccupied. I found myself continuously glancing at the cameras on the ceilings, but not one of them moved or flashed or indicated that it was turned on, and slowly the paranoia began to fade.

Cress had done it. She'd shut down the security system.

Then we rounded a corner into the elevator bank of the north tower and Cinder crashed into a woman.

She stumbled back. "Oh—sorry!"

The woman eyed Cinder. She was a member of the staff, dressed in the same blush-toned top and black pants that we were.

Cinder flashed a smile and bowed. I followed suit.

"My apologies," said the woman, returning Cinder's bow. "This wing of the palace is off-limits to anyone without a crown-issued pass. I must ask you to leave."

"We have a pass," said Iko, smiling brightly. "We've been asked to check with His Imperial Majesty and see if he requires any refreshments while we wait for the ceremony to begin." She made to step around the woman, but a palm shot out and pressed against her sternum.

The woman's serene gaze, though, remained on Cinder.

"You are Linh Cinder," she said. "You are a wanted fugitive. I am required to alert authorities."

"Er, sorry, but this is a bad time for me." Stepping back, Cinder raised her prosthetic hand and fired a tranquilizer dart at the woman's thigh. It clanged, the tip catching briefly in the fabric of her pants, before it fell to the floor.

That was all the confirmation I needed.

Cinder clenched her jaw and swung for the side of the woman's head, but the woman ducked and whipped a leg up, her foot catching Cinder in the side.

She grunted and stumbled away, her back crashing into a wall.

I caught the woman by the wrists and held her back against my front. She convulsed.

"Someone disable this damn thing—"

I heard a click and the fighting stalled.

Iko tossed a control panel studded with snapped wires away. "Are you okay?" She crouched beside Cinder, her expression a perfect model of concern.

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