Chapter 58

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It took a heroic amount of effort for Kai to pretend like he wasn't sick with nerves. The ship settled with a thud that made him jump. Torin's presence beside him, at least, was stabilizing, and he could hear the anxious whispers of the Commonwealth ambassadors as they waited to debark the ship's common room. He could sense six stowaways hidden aboard the ship—even though he didn't know where, so there was no chance he could give their location away with a stray glance.

If anyone was going to draw suspicion, it would be him. Only he and Torin knew about Cinder and her allies, and Torin's expression was as unperturbed as ever. The ship's crew was too busy with their arrival procedures to question the disappearance of America's secretary of defense, and none of the other passengers knew they'd taken guests aboard in the first place.

Whereas Kai couldn't stop thinking about these people—his friends—and what he was helping them do. Invade Luna. Start a rebellion. End a war.

He also couldn't stop counting the thousands of things that could go wrong.

He needed to focus. This would only work if Levana believed Kai was determined to finalize their marriage alliance, once and for all. He had to make her think she had won.

The ramp started to descend. Kai took in a deep breath and held it, trying to clear his mind. Trying to convince himself he wanted this marriage and this alliance to succeed.

Artemisia's royal port was glowing up from the floor in a way that immediately made him disconcerted. The walls themselves were rocky and black, but lit with thousands of tiny lights like a starry night sky. The port contained dozens of ships in various sizes, mostly Lunar ships that glimmered uniformly white, painted with unfamiliar runes and displaying the royal seal. Kai also recognized Earthen emblems among the ships—some Earthen guests had already begun to arrive. Seeing them gathered together filled him with dread.

Movement drew his gaze and Kai spotted Levana herself gliding along the wide platform that circled the docks. She was surrounded by her entourage: the ever-smug Head Thaumaturge Aimery Park stood to her right and a girl in a pale blue dress followed behind the queen, her head lowered and her face obstructed by an abundance of curly black hair. There were five additional thaumaturges and at least a dozen more guards. It made for an impressive amount of security—overkill, in Kai's opinion.

Was Levana expecting something to go wrong? Or was this a show of intimidation?

Bracing himself, Kai descended the ramp to meet the queen. His own entourage, including ten of his own guards, followed behind.

"Your Majesty," said Kai, accepting Levana's proffered hand. He bowed to kiss it.

"Always so formal," Levana said in that cloying voice that made his skin crawl. "We cannot refer to each other in such droll terms forever. Perhaps I shall henceforth call you My Beloved, and you shall call me your Sweet."

Kai hovered over her hand, hatred blistering his skin where it touched hers. After a drawn-out moment, he released her and straightened. "Your Majesty," he started again, "it is an honor to be welcomed to Luna. My ancestors would have been filled with pride to witness such an occasion."

"The pleasure is my own." Levana's gaze slinked over the ambassadors gathered on the ship's ramp. "I hope you will find our hospitality agreeable. If you need for anything, please let one of the servants know and they will see that you are well taken care of."

"Thank you," said Kai. "We're all curious about the famed luxuries of the white city."

"I've no doubt of it. I'll have some servants brought to unload your belongings and have them taken to your rooms."

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