4 - The chancellor

Start from the beginning

"What is this weird feeling..." The one who had spoken asked as if for himself. "Brothers. I don't think we can kill her yet. She smells..." He raised his head and horror lurched through you. "She smells amazing !!!" He yelled, his voice distorted by the excitement in it.

You wiped some sweat on your eyes, not quite believing your own eyes. "What ?" He giggled. "Have you never seen a Yokai ? This – girl – is what we truly look like." He said as he opened his arms now bent in an unsightly way. His face distorted and looking as if it was melting. "Brothers." He commanded. "I want her alive." And as he said that he palmed the place between his legs and you held back the urge to vomit in the back of our throat, averting your eyes from the weird bulge there. "She's mine." He said as he propelled himself toward you.

There was a time where it whould have made you laugh if anyone had told you you could physically smell fear on your skin. And yet today, despite all the military training engraved in your body from your life 6 years ago, you could not help but freeze for a moment at the sight of the demons—no Yokais he had called them—dart toward you from everywhere around you.

You silently cursed yourself for being so inattentive but it gave one of them the time to catch your arm, gripping it so hard you let out a surprised cry of pain as you noticed his sharp nails piercing your skin. You pushed him with you right heel, taking a step backward. There was no way you could fight back that many at the same time. You needed to run away. But there was no escape route, you quickly noted.

"Fuck it." You muttered.

You launched your whole body at one of them, surprised when he barely moved under your weight. "What the hell are you supposed to be ??" You grunted as you planted your knees against his sides, shuddering at the sight of his distorted face up close. He let out an awful screech as you violently put the knife at the base of his neck, blood sputtering.

You pushed on your knees as his body fell back and you rolled behind him, quickly jumping back on your feet. There was a silence around you and they all seemed to freeze for a second, seemingly realizing you were not going to be taken easily.

The one you had cut, made a gurgling sound on the floor before slumping. Good, your thought. Meant they could be killed.

There was a weird sound again and you spotted the one that had spoken before, he still had his upturned arms opened, his distorted face moving with the sound. "You have a very...." He groaned. "Specific way of fighting. Just like those humans they send in our camps when we make... too much noise..."

You stood still on your extended feet, your eyes focusing on the creatures around you. "What about it ?"

He paused. "Not much." He snorted, or at least it sounded like that and then he groaned again. At the sound, all the others moved at the same pace, launching themselves at you.

Your back was now empty but you could not afford to just run on your feet with your back open to them. Who knew how fast they could run.

You needed to hold back your gound. Grunting, you avoided a punch that should have knocked you off your feet and dived down to swipe the legs of one of them. All the years of training finally allowing you to fight with a bit more assurance, you held back as much as you could, avoiding, striking back.

But you were humans, and if humans had something they all shared, it was weaknesses. And you were beginning to grow tired. Your legs were starting to shake and you had stopped counting the number of times they had managed to slice you with their horrendously sharp nails.

You averted a punch thrown to your face only to feel claws open your chest, all the way from the bottom of your neck to the center of your stomach. You stopped dead in your tracks, taking a few steps back, staggering.

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