chapter two

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Tomorrow is my first day at college. What I'm gonna do? Everything will be new for me, literally every single thing I hope everything went well. (Ameen)...........
I woke up at Fajr time I prayed namaz and then start getting ready for my college. My mum made me tea. I drank it then I'm ready to leave the house. My dad drops me at college. I chose biology over Maths. My first lecture was on Maths it went well. Then our next lecture was about Computers, I was heading toward the computer lab with the teacher and a few class fellows. I was about to enter the computer lab. One of a boy bumped my shoulder with his shoulder. I looked back but he ignored my presence as if nothing happens and headed toward his class. I was like what the hack! I was a little shocked when he bumps. Then I thought maybe he hits me by mistake. 
Then I enter the computer lab and we studied computers for straight 45 minutes.
I take four more lectures then I got home. My routine was the same for the two days. And on the third day at college, I saw him again. He has curly hair normally a  heightened boy, not too fat not too thin he is quite handsome. I made eye contact with him while I was entering the computer lab. After that, we made several eye contact but we never talked even tho we don't know each other names.

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