Chapter Twenty One

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"How is university life treating you?" Kennedy teased me over the phone. We were facetiming each other for the first time since university started.

I sighed. "I'm just so happy I can see you, Kenny. Uni's been great, so far. I have Cleo and Reid. I think Cleo's bored of third-wheeling with us, but we've met some sweet people. There's this girl in my Econ lectures, Nina. Cleo and Nick made friends with this guy called Nick. I don't know much about him, though. And guess who's come to Collard?"

"Who?" Kennedy asked, looking intrigued.

I rolled my eyes, and Kennedy laughed at the exasperation on my face. "Reid's cousin, Tony. He's a year older, but he's so funny. And a total cockblock."

Kennedy made a disgusted face. "I don't need to know about how you and Reid get it on, thank you very much. How is Reid, anyway?"

I smiled. "He's great. We're great. I'm sorry if I sound like a broken record, but we're doing good, I think. He's settled in already, making friends like crazy."

Kennedy's smile was knowing. "And you?"

I sighed, keeping my smile fixed to my face. "I'm taking a little longer. University's so different from high school."

"But change can be good too, Mallory."

"I know, Kenny." My eyes drifted to the time on my computer, and I gasped. "I have a lecture in fifteen minutes. Miss you, love you, will send some cake by post if you want it."

"Love you too Mallory." Kennedy said, waving. I ended the call and got my things together, rushing to the door. Before I could turn the handle, the door opened to reveal Reid. A massive smile grew on my face, and I launched myself at him in a hug.

He stepped back from the force of me jumping on him, but quickly wrapped his arms around me, laughing. "Happy to see you too. But don't you have a lecture to go to?"

"I do, you're right." I said sadly. "But I'll talk to you after, okay?"

"How about milkshakes? We're shopping for your costume today." Reid commented, thinking light on his feet. I grinned and gave him a little thumbs up, then rushed out of the door after kissing him goodbye.

When I settled into the lecture room, Nina poked me from her seat next to me. "You're lucky that Professor Stevens is always late."

"I know, trust me. Are you going to Anita's Halloween party? Everyone else is." I asked, watching her freckled nose crinkle slightly as she thought about my invite.

Her eyes lit up. "I'm free today. How about your other friends? Cleo, Nick, Tony. Are they going?"

I frowned. "Yeah, they are. Is it okay if Reid comes?"

Nina shrugged. "If you want him to, sure."

In the past few weeks of our brief friendship, Nina dropped several hints that she didn't like my boyfriend. I was trying my best to ignore them.

"Thanks." I said politely, turning my attention to Econ. I'd have to find a way to get Nina to like Reid, because I needed both of them in my life.

After school, I went shopping with Reid for our costumes. We were pretty late, all things considered, because the party was that evening itself.

"I want to see you." Reid complained teasingly to me. I was finishing up my costume in the changing room, which had a complimentary costume for Reid. I wanted us to match for our first Halloween together.

"What do you think?" I asked as I drew the curtain open. My boyfriend's eyes nearly fell out of his head. The short angel costume I had on, complete with wings, heels and a fluffy halo, definitely spoke to his temptation.

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