Chapter Eleven

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I waited outside Reid's hospital room, toying with my bracelets. The nurses didn't allow me in with Tony on the day of the accident, because I wasn't Reid's family. But I returned today with a goal in mind.

I hoped this would be my second chance at obtaining Reid's friendship. I was finally starting off with him on a clean slate, like Mallory. We had an even playing field. But unlike her, I was elated. The difference between us girls was that I had nothing to lose. Her misfortune was my triumph.

I knocked on the white door and entered. Reid was upright in his bed against the pillows, looking out of his window. He turned to me, looking curiously at me. I saw no sign of recognition in his eyes. My heart simultaneously leaped and crashed in my chest. "Hello." I said awkwardly.

"Hey," he said, calm as anything. "You're Nina, right? Tony showed me pictures of everyone last night. I'm still trying to learn names. But according to my recollection, you're the partier."

"I would answer that with a yes and no. I like parties, but I like staying at home more." I said, because Reid used to dislike parties. But I loved them. It was equivocation, but so what? No one was there to contradict me.

Reid smiled, a full blown smile that I rarely saw. He never smiled like that around me before. His optimism was contagious.

"I'm the same. Or I was. It's hard to tell now, because..." he trailed off awkwardly. The energy faded on his face.

I tried to help him out. "I would think of this as a fresh start. Now you have all the time in the world to find out what you like and dislike. I can help, if you want."

"That means a lot, Nina. Thank you." Reid said softly. I felt a blush rising on my cheeks.

"It's nothing. We're friends, right?" I said tightly.

"Right. Would you tell me a bit more about yourself? I want to learn everything about everyone again. Were we close before? I can easily imagine that."

Every time he asked a question like that, I saw myself standing on a forked road. To tell the truth and go back to what we were before, or to take my opportunity and change the past. I would have lied every time, if it meant that we could be friends.

"We were close. You would tell me whatever was on your mind." I said without hesitating. It sounded believable to me.

"Then can I tell you something now?"

"Of course, Reid."

"I know I had a girlfriend," he said more hesitantly, and my heart sank. "Mallory. How did she react to my amnesia? I don't remember seeing her yesterday."

"I think she needs time to process," I hedged. "She was very distraught, so maybe you should just let her be alone for a while? Try to heal first before you bring up situations from the past."

Reid shrugged, looking uncertain. "I guess you're right. But I feel fine, I can talk to her now."

I looked away, gritting my teeth. Leave it to Reid to brush me aside, even without remembering who I was to him. "Mallory isn't here. Nick took her home yesterday, so I assume she's with him." I said.

Reid's expression became even more confused. "Nick?"

"Our mutual friend. He's one of the group." I said with indifference. Nick had never talked too much to me either. He was much like Reid in that way. "He and Mallory are just as close as we are, to be honest."

"Right. So they're friends, not anything more?" Reid said. He was gauging my expression, trying to get something from it. But I'd had too much practise at my poker face.

I felt the briefest flicker of guilt. I was taking advantage of him already. I was loyal to Mallory, even though I had to be true to myself as well. "They're just friends, Reid."

Reid's mouth turned upwards at the corners. He looked hopeful. "Okay, back to you, then. What's your major?"

I smirked. "Economics. Mallory and I met in an Economics lecture on our first day at Collard. Then I met you through her."

"I'm glad I met you, Nina."

I looked at him and to my horror, I felt tears brimming in my eyes. I looked away and cleared my throat. "Yeah. Nick majors in Business Studies, and Tony is a dropout."

Reid's jaw dropped. "You're joking."

I burst out into laughter, swiping my eyes with my hand. "I am joking, actually. Tony is in his last year in Pre-Med. No one would think he was that smart, at first glance."

"Hey, remember who you're talking about? That's my cousin," Reid said with a mocking frown. I laughed, and he shook his head with a grin. "But what can I say? He got my aunt's brains. I'm just above average intelligence."

"How humble of you." I said, smiling.

His smile became sad. "My mom told me I was studying History. I hated History in high school, so I had a hard time believing that."

"You actually told me about that. You failed around half of your high school finals, so History was your best bet. You also got a horrible recommendation from your teacher because you put a fart cushion on her chair at your graduation." I commented with a grin.

Reid stifled a laugh. "That sounds pretty accurate." His expression became more thoughtful and he leaned towards me, assessing me with his eyes. "You know a lot about me, Nina. I'm beginning to think that you're stalking me."

I rolled my eyes. "You wish, loser. I'm just observant, and you're not that special."

Reid leaned forward, eyes sparkling with humor. "But that means I'm a little important to you, right?"

I looked at him, wondering if he could hear the implication of his words. "Very much so."

I was smiling like an idiot when I shut the door to Reid's room. He gave me a rose from one of his 'get well soon' bouquets. I was giddy with luck. Reid was the same person that I met a year ago. This time, he wasn't opposed to me at all. There was no prejudice. This was the fresh start that I obsessed over for months. I held the flower to my nose, inhaling its sweetness. Things were looking up at last.

Tony appeared round the corner and smiled at me. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

I gasped, then held my palm to my chest. "You need to stop appearing everywhere. I think my heart just skipped a beat."

"That's obviously because you have feelings for me. Plus I'm here to see my cousin, not you." Tony said, chuckling.

I pushed him away, smiling despite myself. "What a joke. How is everything?"

"It's okay. Thank you for helping me yesterday, but I'm fine now." Tony said, rubbing at his forehead.

I frowned, knowing Tony was just trying to make me feel better. I sat on a plastic chair outside Reid's room and patted the chair to its immediate right. "Talk to me."

Tony rolled his eyes, but he sat down without complaint. He was fairly tall and muscly, so the side of his leg brushed mine. "I've had my time to process, so I feel good. I just need you with me." he said. He looked so painstakingly worried that it tugged at something in my heart.

On an instinct, I pulled Tony's hand into my lap and stroked his palm with my thumb. His breathing quickened for a second, like he wasn't expecting me to do it. Then his limbs slackened and I could see his mind becoming quieter.

"I'm happy to hear that." I said quietly, looking tenderly down at his face.

"I'm happy when you're happy." Tony replied softly, closing his eyes. I watched his face, letting the twisting feeling in my stomach grow. Tony and I flirted here and there, but recently his attempts seemed more serious. He knew I didn't like commitment.

Now there was Reid, Tony's cousin, and Mallory's boyfriend. Liking Reid could hurt both of my dearest friends. I wanted to pretend that I didn't care about hurting people. The problem was that I cared too much.

It was time to start prioritising myself. My needs, above all else.


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