Chapter Two

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Present Day

Nathanial Winters

Her face flashed before my eyes like a lightning strike, a tempting apparition of the brunette siren that taunted me for walking away.

I sat in my Gulfstream jet holding a flute of champagne and staring out of the round window while my left hand was in a relaxed fist.

How could I have been so fucking stupid?

I never knew goodbye could hurt so badly yet here I was on the plane to Wyoming a place I told her I'd take her to.

Not even the excessive wealth around me made it go away, and the way she made me feel couldn't be taken from me it simply wasn't possible.

Staring down at the mountain range with the lights of Jackson beneath me I heard the ding of Lily's voice about to fill the cabin.

"We are coming in to land the time is two fifty six in the morning, all passengers put on your seatbelts and prepare to land".

I knew mine was on, I hadn't taken it off how couldn't I have known that.

What I wish I could have known was that Scarlett would break up with me before I was to go to Harvard University. I'd been looking at houses in the Boston area but also debated just sticking with a frat which I had actually been leaning towards but with the fact that I knew what happened at parties in Fraternities I was now slightly changing my mind though I'd stay at the Frat I'd applied at if I actually needed to.

The plane came down onto the runway and I stared out at the other expensive planes on the runway. How the world put up with all of the wealth here I wasn't entirely sure but oh well I got used to it just like my sisters.

The name Winters gave all of us so much power it probably should have been illegal, though we're all untouchable, and when money was involved no one dared try and take anything from any of the family I owned my entire lifestyle to.

I had seen the exact thing that made my parents so much money, and how they maintained it. No one crossed this family, I knew that much. It was in our blood to take shit from no one.

This time however was the difference I hadn't told my parents or siblings that me and Scarlett had broken up because the distance between Harvard and Yale would be too much for her to handle.

I also didn't realize that it would be hitting me this hard.

Not having my girlfriend who I'd spent nine months with around was a different thing to get used to. Natalie was a different case. With that relationship I helped her through everything rather then build a relationship like I'd had with Scarlett.

Once we had gotten past how we were to one another at first so much got cleared up and our relationship worked without having any issues within it.

But all good things come to an end I suppose.

The plane rounded to a stop by the hanger and I stood downing the last of what was in the glass before setting it down carefully on the embroidered cloth coaster I'd been provided. My signature in black stitching on the left hand edge of the fabric.

I got it more and more as I got older, my perception changed. I also understood how the Winters got the air of superiority we carried around. The world could look back and find our name every where.

Billionaires had rank.

I could remember Scarlett's questions about the Winters Family and how we were one of the most influential yet secretive family's.

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