Chapter 6 (RIVALRY)

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Leila made her way to the roof of the building. Her heart ached as she stared at the place that first seemed to be one of her favorite but now it only bring back the memories. Sad memories that want to eat Leila alive.

She sat down at her favorite spot. A betrayed tear roll down her cheek. A gust of wind blew her hair, Leila softly breathed in the fresh air and clutched her legs to her chest.

A slight weight fell on her shoulder and a tinge of familiarity spread across her body. She swallowed her tears and looked around but there was nothing.

But Leila knew better.

"I am sorry." She whispered, guilt and regret pouring in her light tone.

She felt herself engulfed in an gentle, familiar warmth of wind but nothing was visible to eyes.

But still Leila knew.

She was already forgiven. But the shattered pieces of her heart still waited to mend together and still wasn't ready to accept being forgiven.


Leila was sitting quietly in the cafeteria, staring down at the chocolate cupcake in front of her. She tried to smile but it came out little awkward. She wasn't used to smiling really but the softened look on her face could tell anyone what she was trying to do.

She took her sweet moment to savour the taste that melted her tastebuds. However she paused when suddenly somebody came to sit in front of her.

She looked up at the group of three girls. They were familiar. Leila flipped through the pages of her memories trying to reminisce their names but came out blank.

But she could easily point out that the seemingly leader of the group, Queen bee and her fellow companions as the minions. Leila mused in her thoughts and diverted her complete attention on them.

"Can I help?" She asked slow. If Julia, the supposed Queen bee, had forgotten at first but now she remembered that Leila's way of speaking was still same.

She was pitifully polite and soft spoken. Her good qualities, that's what made her different from them all, even different from her brothers. Julia thought amused.

"Nothing, just came to say hello. You haven't changed much, Leila." Julia leaned back slightly on the chair, proceeding to take a good look at her.

"Physical appearances can be sometimes deceiving." The minion number 1 commented. She was the only black haired girl in the group. Other two were typical blondes.

Suddenly Julia's eyes glazed back. She was staring at someone in the back. Clearing her throat loudly, she stood up.

"Well see ya around." She waved lazily and marched away from her table. Leila stared at her back and then slowly turned to look at behind.

Her eyes grew enlarged slightly. She didn't expect to see this person here. He wasn't glaring at her like his companion Alexander. But he was staring. Staring right at her soul.

Leila turned away and looked down at her cupcake again. The sweet hunger she felt earlier suddenly vanished.

The third pillar of power in this school. Equally as strong as King's yet cunning as Lambordi. The Silas.

Adriano Silas. Unlike King's, Silas family was allies among both Lambordi and King's family. Silas family was linking force between both rival families that somehow unite them at time of facing some serious political issue.

In past Leila had been taken to the business parties and events held at Silas family residence and Silas family equally remained present in certain occassions organised at her own residence.

At the end of the day, Leila was standing near the parking lot waiting for her family's car. That's when Adriano approached her.

"You need ride back home?" He asked. To be honest, Leila was surprised. She was about to say something when her eyes fell on the familiar car that came racing inside unsafely and unbothered to the safety of others. Leila bite the inside of her cheek and shook her head to answer Adriano's offer.

The door opened and just her luck it was Luciano. Not to surprise, he was drunk. He grinned his creepy grin at Adriano who uncomfortably shifted on his feet.

"Yo! You flirting with my baby sister. Do it again and I will kill you." He stated casually and without giving them a chance to speak, grabbed Leila's wrist pulling her behind him.

Adriano knowing completely about Luciano's personality just raised his hands in surrender. He breathed out a sigh in relief when Luciano dragged Leila with him. Inwardly Adriano prayed that she reaches back home safely. But he also knew, no matter how much of a crazy bastard or careless kind Luciano Lambordi was, he was equally sharp and cunning.

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