Chapter 20 - Thanksgiving Special, part 1

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Surprise! It's Thanksgiving (for us Americans, that is), so it's time to give thanks. I know holidays can be stressful, so I hope this can help take the edge off. You can't all be around my dinner table for me to say I'm grateful for you, so I'm giving this chapter as a way of showing it.

Happy Thanksgiving, all 🦃 (And for those who don't celebrate, Happy Bonus Chapter Day 😘)

Carina's POV
"Maya!" I yelled through the apartment. "MAYA!" I called again when she didn't answer. I got up from my spot on the bed, carefully stepping around the wrapped presents and wrapping paper scraps as I walked to the door.

I noticed smoke filtering through the living room from the kitchen. "Maya?" I asked, walking closer to the loud beeping and source of the smoke.

Maya was running around the kitchen, frantically trying to clear the smoke with a towel. I watched as she pulled a pan from the oven before throwing it into our big sink, smoke billowing off of it.

I walked over and turned off the oven as she sprayed the dish down with cold water. Finally, the smoke cleared to reveal a charred turkey. I turned to her with a soft smile.

"Bambina," I said, chuckling slightly. "You could've called if you needed help."

She looked at me with frustrated tears in her eyes as she pushed her sweaty hair from her face. "You already made everything else, babe."

"I wanted to actually contribute," she continued. "And now I just ruined Thanksgiving. I'm sorry, love."

"Thanksgiving is not ruined, Maya," I said, kissing my wife's temple. "Your mother was bringing over a second turkey anyway, we can just eat that."

"One turkey will be plenty for us, the kids, and your mother, bambina." I watched a tear cascade down her cheek before she nodded.

"Yea. Yea, you're right. We just won't have leftovers, but that's ok." A small smile finally crept onto her face.

"This was just lunch. We're going to the firehouse for dinner, I'm sure we'll be getting plenty of leftovers from there," I said with a smile.

"If Travis's mom and Vic's parents have anything to say about it, yes we will," she laughed. I ran my hands over her muscles that were on full display from the thick-strap tank top she was wearing.

"Are you still wearing your workout clothes?" I asked, the realization of her current shirt hitting me.

"Why change when I'm already sweaty, right?" she asked rhetorically with a smirk.

"Dios mío, you are hopeless at times," I sighed. "Your mother will be here shortly, why don't you go shower while I get everything set up?"

"Oh and Maya?" I said as she started walking towards our room to gather clothes. "Could you maybe wear something other than sweatpants?"

"It's just lunch with my mom, why does it matter what I wear? We have dinner with her every Sunday."

"Because there's maybe a surprise guest joining us." I watched as her features darkened somewhat.

"If this is a stunt for me to see my father, I'm leaving lunch."

"It's not, bella, I promise," I said to her.

"And this isn't going to be another hot, Italian med school friend, correct?" Beside myself, I laughed slightly.

"No, love, it is not. I know how jealous Gabriella made you."

"I was not jealous!"

"Maya, your blue eyes were practically green the whole time she was here," I chuckled. She reached over the back of the closest armchair to retrieve a throw pillow, throwing it at my abdomen.

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