Minerva starts as she receives a message from Harry while Hermione's talking,

{Harry} Here's Ironjaw's contact details if you need them. I've just added the chat overlay to your systems, so you can send us a message whenever you want.

{NewUser1} How did you do that?

{Harry} I've been continuing to learn how to use my implants.

{NewUser1} Are you going to explain that?

{Harry} Maybe later, Hermione's about to wrap up.

"Miss Granger, Mr Potter, detention both of you tomorrow after school for disrespecting a senior staff member."

Minerva leans her head back and sighs before calling Ironclaw herself.

"Who is it this time?" Ironclaw's irritated voice says in her call panel.

"May the size of your gold only be equalled by the skulls of your enemies."

"May gold flow into your vault as freely as your enemies blood flows in the street. Now that the pleasantries are out the way, who am I talking to?"

"Minerva McGonagall."

"To what do I own the pleasure?"

"Albus is throwing a tantrum because he isn't the most important person currently standing around. I don't think he's quite realised that Harry and Hermione don't actually need to attend Hogwarts. Anyway, I was wondering if you would be kind enough to add my name to the letter you're about to send. As a person that is able to contact you 'magically'."

Ironclaw laughs, "Certainly, would you like me to take over your accounts as well?"

"Only if it isn't too much of a bother."

"Are you a Tenno?"

"No, more like Harry's mother, and becoming more so every day."

"I see, are there any others like you?"

"Hermione's parents."

"I will inform the director. Harry has brought us much profit in the last few months, we hope that those associated with him will increase that bounty."

"Thank you for the honour. I must go, Albus' eyes are about to go supernova. May your enemies fall before your blade like wheat before the scythe."

"May your enemies tremble at the sight of you. Expect the owl in the next minute or two."

Albus had never been so insulted by not just two students, but also his Deputy Head. Did they think he was born yesterday? "Minerva, I know you like your pranks. However, this has gone too far. You are undermining me in front of two students."

Minerva shakes her head, "Albus, if you truly believe that then you are going far more senile than I had imagined. However, you don't need to take our words for it, there should be an owl arriving soon, so we can wait right here."

"Minerva, what's happened to you?"

"I've seen Harry's home, I've spoken at length to his mother. And I've seen first hand what he has had to contend with." – She sweeps her hand at the land and castle – "This? This would mean absolutely nothing in the face of the things they face. They don't have magic in Harry's home, they don't need it. You ask what's happened to me? I've had the situations here put into perspective. We are so small, so very very small. You're protecting the stone from Voldemort, because he is looking for eternal life?" – She points at Harry and Hermione – "They already have it, they've also got eternal youth to go with it. It's not uncommon to find mundane people that have lived for hundreds of years there. All without an iota of magic. There used to be an entire society of immortals, they're hopefully all dead now."

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