29- Encore

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A/N: Would it really be a euphoria fic without Lexi's play. No, no it wouldnt. Happy last chapter eve. Only one more left and really idk how I feel about this one or the last one but we gotta say goodbye eventually.

"Wait, so is it Oklahoma or not?" You asked Rue as you took a seat, still confused. 

"Listen, every time I heard about this play I was high, so maybe I'm not the right one to be asking." She told you with far more honesty than necessary. 

You took a quick breath, letting it out with strong annoyance, giving her a very disappointed face. In return, she gave you a shrug, not feeling the same shock from her words that you did. 

"So no one has any idea what we're about to watch."

"Basically." She shrugged again. 

With little to no or just no information, you kept an open mind when the auditorium lights faded and all eyes watched the long thick black curtains waiting for the show to begin.  You didn't know what to expect, but you certainly weren't expecting what you saw. 

"I knew Jade had been doing drugs, but it wasn't until that day at her dad's memorial, that I realized they were a greater comfort than I ever could be. Maybe that's a silly observation, but I was only 13."

Initially, you didn't make the connection. Maybe you were too in awe by seeing Lexi actually on stage. You assumed that she preferred to be behind the scenes pulling all the strings. But no, Lexi was a part of the performance. When your mind did make the connection, you were honestly a bit taken back. 

"It was the summer before I started ninth grade... back when we thought we'd all be friends forever."

The rest of the main characters were introduced in a school picture day montage, and quickly you went from taken aback to stunned. 

Saying that Jade was a representation of Rue may have been a jump, but there was no way that these characters could be mistaken for anyone else. You looked over to Maddy and Kat who were sitting away from you and Rue and by the look on their faces they were coming to the same conclusion as you.  

"And this is life. Not everyone's life..." Lexi ran across the stage as the people dressed in black held up their letters. 

"But our life!" She yelled with a cheery smile, poking her head out of one of the letters.

The audience began to clap and one of the girls dropped her letter. 

"Oh, that's fuckin' cool." Said someone in the audience, getting a few laughs, in return. 

"Wait, is this fucking play about us?" 

You heard Maddie whisper to Kat. 

Besides, the whole writing about real life people and making it sort of obvious Lexi's play was funny. Especially her very accurate representation of Suze and future hot Lexi. With everything that happened between Maddy and Cassie, everyone was seeing Cassie in a not so different light. She was known to be a bit boy crazy at best and a backstabbing boyfriend stealing bitch at worst. Really Cassie at her core was not a good person, she was oblivious to the advantages she had over all her so-called friends and rather be a victim then admit her own faults. 

But under the humor and truth, there was a certain sadness and longing. 

"We talked and laughed for hours that night. I miss those days. It was before my dad left and Jade's dad died. Before Jade got into heavy drugs, and before I got inside my head. It was before we grew apart, and before I started doubting myself every time someone would ask me if Jade was my best friend. Let this darkness be a bell tower and you the bell."  

You shifted in your seat as you listened to Lexi. You looked over to Rue, feeling a bit sentimental, and found her looking over at Jules. She keeps her eyes on her for a moment before returning them back to Lexi. Feeling Rue's gaze, Jules looked over their expressions, differing vastly. Rue didn't seem to feel angry or upset to see her, while Jules seemed saddened. It must have been the first time since the intervention, break up and Rue running away. For one the wound was bleeding and for the other it was healing. 

Happily and very intrigued, you and Rue continued to watch the play, and things only got better. Lexi was not holding back on anyone. Really, you thought the performance of the boys working out was nothing short of amazing. And the fact that it was Ethan playing Nate only made it so much better. It put Nate in the hot seat, he was so embarrassed he ran out the auditorium, of course his little lapdog followed after him. 

When Cassie did come back to the play she was ballistic and the fact that Hallie was quite literally riding a carousel didn't help. Being the incredible sister she is, Cassie ran on stage and pushed the poor girl off the horse before practically taunting Lexi in front of the entire audience. And then Cassie got what was really coming to her. She and Maddie got into a back and forth before she knocked her shoes off and ran on stage chasing after Cassie before slapping her and chasing her into the halls. 

Knowing you couldn't leave, breaking up the fight to just Kat, you followed the girls as they ran and yelled through the school. Not so accidentally laughing when Maddy knocked Cassie's head into the hard walls of the building. Once you were sure the fight was over you went back to the play, and as you walked towards the auditorium you heard cheers. Not just cheers, but yelling and clapping and people screaming Lexi's name. The show must go on, and that it did. Really, you never thought you would ever cry this much at a school play, but here you were.

Silently crying next to Rue, who was doing the same, flashbacks of the funeral came back in waves haunting suffocating waves. No matter how much time had passed or how you thought you had moved paste it you so easily be pulled right back in. It always started small, but every time it started it didn't stop at just mourning because it wasn't just mourning. It was missing him, needing him, and realizing one day you would forget him. One day, he would be nothing but hazy memories of your childhood and stories you tell in the future.

The thick black curtains closed, and immediately the standing ovation began. In the end, Lexi's play was many things. Controversial, interactive, and maybe the best school play you have ever seen. But more than anything, it really put things into perspective. It left you with a sort of emotional happiness feeling. The truth was you couldn't properly describe it if you tried, but that wasn't what mattered. What actually mattered was how it felt. And it felt good, really really good. 

"Grey" Fezco O'Neill x black fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now