21- There is always more beneath the surface

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Trigger warnings – Mentions of weed, smoking weed, Cal, and his disc, one mention of blood.

For a while now, it seemed that any time something good happened to you, something awful followed. And over the years the good was never enough to match the escalation of the awful. In the Bennett house, there was never a dull moment. You were all either on zero, huddling on Leslie's bed watching something on the tv together as she did your hair. Or right now on a hundred slamming doors, pushing each other and yelling as if it was the only form of communication you all knew.

You heard the shouting, so clearly it was like Rue and Gia were fighting in your room, in fact you were sure the whole neighborhood heard them fighting. This one was a quick one, by the time you'd left your room it was over. Gia had slammed her door again and when Rue got to hers she did the same. Taking a breath, you pushed aside the strong urge to just crawl back into bed, instead doing the right thing and checking on the two of them.

Gia first, gently you knocked on her door and after a moment with no response you tried the doorknob but found it was locked. Turning it harder, you tried again and was met with quiet, shaky sobs.

"Leave me alone." Gia whispers, so low you had to press your ear to the door to even hear her. "Just leave me alone, Rue."

"It's me." You whispered back, half expecting her to tell you to just go away.

But she doesn't. With an irritated yet overall exhausted expression, Gia meets you at the door. She pulled you into a hug quicker than you could ask "What's wrong?" or "What happened?".

"She wants to start smoking weed. She said she needs it for her panic attacks."

Truthfully, you were unsure what to say. If it were another person, you wouldn't really care. Maybe you would advise them that smoking could also make their panic attacks worse, but Rue wasn't just another person. She was a recovering and supposed clean drug addict. Her smoking meant so many things, it was hard to wrap your mind around it. She could use weed as a cover-up for basically anything.

After a minute of holding Gia, she eventually pulled away from you and went to confront Rue. Going with her, you opted out to stand in the doorway rather than be a part of the actual conversation. You weren't there to go back and forth with anyone or argue about what Rue's true intentions were. You were only standing there to break things up when or if it got heated. Rue was often quick to violence.

"Rue." Gia started carefully. "When you do drugs... it's not like when other people do drugs."

Rue's response, although you didn't like to believe it, was absolutely her trying to manipulate you and Gia. But unfortunately, regardless of how much you didn't like to think of her that way, it wouldn't be a very far-fetched idea anymore.


After watching Rue prance around high for days, you were honestly sick of it. So instead of sitting at home annoyed, you went to see Fezco. Hoping that it would be somewhat of an escape from the conflict of your family, but in an attempt to escape one place of drama, you entered another one.

"Is that who I think it is parked outside?" You said to Faye, who'd just come back from taking out the trash.

"Yea, the cop from the gas station is like stalking us."

You opened your mouth to respond, but the sight of Ashtray loading up a shotgun left it hanging instead. The more you found yourself entwined in the twisted existence of the Jacobs family, the more your hatred for them intensified.

"So first you come to my fuckin' job askin' all these weird ass questions like the feds. Then I find you out in front my house. What the fuck are you doin' man?"

"Grey" Fezco O'Neill x black fem readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя