Author's note

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Ok so let me say thank you for being here even if you dont stay or dont read Im still happy and very thankful that you clicked on my fic. I won't reveal too much but y/n, or you are Rue's older sister. Also, I'll be trying not use y/n often because some people dont like it, so it won't be using it super often. Also I will be switching the pov's, not every chapter though.

Because this is euphoria there will be a few things that will need warnings. I will try my best to put warning at the beginning of each chapter but here are a few: Drugs, Drugs use, Under aged drinking, Violence, smut/ sex, abusive relations, Panic/ anxiety attacks, addiction, childhood trauma, cursing, mental illness. I think that all so ENJOY AND I LOVE YOUUU  💋💋💋💋 MUAHHH MUAHHHH MUAHHH

"" for what they're saying

** for thoughts

"Grey" Fezco O'Neill x black fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now