2- Awkward conversations must be had

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Trigger warning: Mentions of abuse and brushes

You weren't 100% sure where you were, but thank god the room was completely dark. And there's no light peaking through the curtains, so it must not be morning. Even more thankful, you roll over and try to go back to sleep. It was probably the only way to delay an inevitable headache and awful memories.

"Back up." A tired voice told you.

You mumble an apology and move back, not questioning where the voice came from until you finally opened your eyes and realized you were looking at a bald head. Not bald, but buzzed. You blink a few times as you take a deep breath, trying not to freak out at the possible stranger in your bed. That was until you realized you recognized the buzzed head, gold chain and white tank top.

"Shit." You whisper.

It was Astray and this wasn't your bed and defiantly wasn't your room.  You groan and quickly bring your hand to your head. A throbbing pain pounds in your skull, and you squeeze your eyes shut. After a moment the pain cease, and slowly you open your eyes.

Carefully, you climb out of the bed and immediately try to get an Uber. But of course before you can, your screen goes black and your phone dies. Fighting the urge to throw your phone across, you hold back your frustration and quickly get your things. The hallway is nowhere near as dark as the room was, light coming from the tv in the living room.

Carefully, you tiptoe down the hallway and to the front door. For a second you think you're actually off the hook, that's until you hear a familiar, highly irritating voice. 

"Where the fuck you think you going."

And just like that, your headache is back. The pain is a bit more this time, Fezco can see it in your reaction. Immediately leaves his spot on the couch and comes to you, guiding you away from the door and to a seat. Fezco disappears for a moment, but comes back with a glass of water and pain medication. Quickly, you swallow the two pills with a sip of the water. And for a good minute, the two of you just sit in silence and stare at each other.

"So you gotta a boyfriend, huh." He speaks in his normal monotone voice.

You can't tell if it's a question or statement, so you just don't respond.

"Yall fight tonight ?  Is that why you took me upstairs ?"

*You followed me. I didn't take you no where*You remain silent, keeping the thought to yourself.

Fezco was tiptoeing around what he really wants to ask. He doesn't point to the bruise, but his eyes had been lingering on it the moment he sat down across from you. Your mind racked up excuse after excuse, waiting for him to say something. It was almost a natural instinct at this point.

"What happen to your arm?"

"Everyone fights."

You're quick to respond, every excuse your mind racked up just rolling off your tongue. It was almost a natural instinct at this point.  Fezco lets you speak, but he knows all you're trying to do is change the subject. He calms at first, putting on a poker face, but quickly his temper runs out.

"And he's really nice."

"Nice." He says, in a harsh tone, baffled by your excuses. "No fucking nice guy is gon hit you."

His voice is low, he wasn't yelling or screaming, but still he was clearly upset. Not at you, of course. You knew, but still you couldn't help the way you reacted. Without your control, your body tenses up and you... you flinch. For a second, it seems there is no air in your lungs, and you struggle to breath. Swiftly, you take a sip of water and try to hide your reaction. But it was too late. Running a hand over his head, Fezco sighs in regret, the last thing he ever wanted to do was scare you.  

A heavy silence returns between the two of you, and maybe you should have kept it that way. But of course something slick just had to slip out of your mouth.

"You're really one to talk." You whispered mostly to yourself, but still Fezco heard.

He raises his brows, completely caught off guard by your comment. And even more, what he thought you were insinuating about him.

"I never lad a finger on you." His voice deeper, still harsh, but he tries not to do anything that'll trigger you.

"So what, that makes you better than him." You say with a shrug and tilt of your head. "You don't know him like I know him. Fezco he's a really good guy."

There's a wobble and a crack in your voice.  A lump already growing in your throat.

"A good guy wouldn't do this to yo-."

"Yea, and a good guy wouldn't sell my sister drugs either or lie to me about it or fucking ghost me." You yell without realizing.

The silence returns, but it's much more tense. Fezco lowers his head and doesn't look you in your eyes. He just can't, he knows that you're right, you both do.

"I never lied to you about it." He's honest and apathetic, but right now it means nothing to you.

"Right, you just didn't fucking tell me."

You snap your  words heavy with many emotions. Anger, sadness, and worst of all confusion. Taking a shaky breath, you fight back tears, you had no idea were there. Your mind fluids with years of good memories. Your mind fluids with years of memories. Good, bad and everything in between. From the moment you met Fezco to the last conversation you had before tonight.

It was all too much the pain of the past. Too much to think about, too much to feel. Your fingers rub the side of your head, this conversation only making your headache worse. Tears flow from your eyes, and it's a sight Fezco cannot bear to watch. He comes to your aid, quickly falling to his knees and talking to you at your level. Spewing apologies after apologies in an attempt to calm you down. Ignoring his words, you pull his body to yours, craving his touch instead.

After that, there's no arguing or going back and forth at all. The two of you just held each other, it's agonizingly familiar the feel of his arms around you. His soft calm voice soothing you as one of his big hands running through your braids.

"C'mere, you gotta sleep this shit off."

You agree, but don't let him take you to his room. Still somewhat adamant on leaving. Instead, Fezco brings you to the couch and sits you on his lap. You keep your arms around him and just like that you fall asleep.

"Grey" Fezco O'Neill x black fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now