9- Topic of discussion

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After what happened at Fezco's place, you started to become more and more curious about Rue and her commitment to sobriety. Or, well, lack thereof. You knew you couldn't just go to Rue directly and expect a real answer, or any answer at all. So you had to go to someone else for answers. That someone else being Lexi Howard, Rue's sorta best friend.

The truth was, you had no real idea where Rue and Lexi stood. But you knew they still talked from time to time. And over the summer, while Rue was in rehab, Lexi would ask you how she was doing. You hoped it was purely out of the kindness of her heart and not from a place of guilt. As far as you knew, she had nothing to be guilty about.

"Oh hi." Lexi greets you with a smile. "Uh, Cassie's not home so-"

"I know." You're quick to say. "I uh, actually just came to see you."

Her brows pull together in confusion, and she smiles again. Not out of courtesy this time, but out of surprise.

"Oh." She paused. "Okay."

Knowing you couldn't just come out and ask Lexi anything, you had to ease her into it with normal catch up questions. Plus, it had been a while since you and Lexi talked one on one. She was a relatively quiet girl, you wondered if besides Rue, Cassie, and Cassie's friends if she had anyone to talk to. Sitting on the small couch in the shared room, the thought made you frown. There was more truth to it than either of you would like to admit.

So you tried not to think about it and instead focused on the task at hand. Oddly enough, the conversation between you and Lexi flowed naturally. You both spoke truthfully and actually listened to each other. It reminds you of Fezco in a way. After a while, you somehow managed to forget what you came here for.

But when it came back to you, a wave of guilt came with it. Knowing the only reason you came over was to ask Lexi about Rue. A topic you were sure over the summer she'd been bombarded with over and over again. The same way you'd been. You asked regardless. Your concern for your sister greatly overshadowed this guilt. You made it seem like a spur of the moment thing.

"Can I..." You paused, creating a sense of nervousness that in the moment felt more real than it needed to. "Can I ask you something?"

Lexi could hear the seriousness in your sudden change of tone.

"Of course." She told you with a concerned face.

"It's about Rue." You were blunt and finally straight to the point.

"Oh." Something about her changes. "What about Ru-"

It was like some kind of magic, Rue's perfect timing.

"Lexi, I need-" She stops dead in her tracks and just stares at you for a few seconds. "What are you doing here."

She skips the small talk and, unlike you, gets straight to the point immediately.

"Me and Lex are just talking."

"Just talking, huh?" She's clearly and understandably suspicious. "Just talking about what exactly?"

She looks to Lexi and not you, whose poker face is almost nonexistent.

"Stuff." You answered for her.

"What stuff?" She takes a seat next to you on the couch and fully faces Lexi, letting you know it wasn't your question to answer.

"Boys, relationships, boyfriends."

She was clearly scrambling for something to say, but still she managed to choose three things that as far as you knew Rue was uninterested in. Meaning she wouldn't have much to add to the conversation.

"Oh, I didn't know you were getting back with your ex." Your eyes shot to Rue. "Or were you talking about Fez?" Then your eyes widened.

Rue knew that it wasn't what Lexi meant, mostly because she knew Lexi was lying, but she wanted to throw you off, and throw you off she did. Your mouth hung for a moment, but quickly you picked it up, and before you could say anything Rue beat you to it.

"I think you should." She said with a smug smile, not specifying who she was talking about because she didn't need to. You knew, you both knew. "What do you think, Lexi?"

She was putting her in a very, very awkward spot. There was already tension, thick tension, but the silence of Lexi not saying anything only added to it.

"Well I-"

"Lexi doesn't know enough about our relationship to really say anything."

It was a save for the both of you.

"Yeah plus if they broke up it was for a reason right." Lexi added only to be helpful.

But all it did was create another chance for Rue to fuck with you. You could feel the question coming a mile away.

"Why did you guys break up?"

Rue was pressing you hard. And only because she knew you were here for a reason. Before this, she had absolutely no interest in what happened between you and Fezco. Now you knew why. You should have just ignored the questions and gone home, taking Rue with you. But if she was going to press you, you were going to press her.

"We didn't break up, he ghosted me. Plus, I don't think either of us are interested in getting back together." You said with a shrug. "Now that we know why I'm here." You turn to face your sister. "Why are you here, Rue?"


"With no book bag."

"Yea, I forgot it at home, we should go get it."

You sigh and give her an unpleased face before getting up and making your way out of the room. Rue following behind you. Neither of you bothering to say goodbye to Lexi too focused on getting each other out.

"For what it's worth, I actually do think you and Fez should get back together." She sounds for the first time all day somewhat sincere, "He misses you a lot, and it's kinda obvious you still have feelings for him."

"That's not fair." You match her sincerity, but quickly you correct yourself. "That wouldn't be fair."

"To who?"

Yourself ? Fezco? Ashtray?


She shrugs in disagreement.

"Me and Fez are cool. Just because he's a dealer, and I'm a fucking addict, doesn't mean he's gonna sell me anything. Not anymore." She says getting on her bike. "It won't like trigger me if you get back together, gross me out though probably."

And just like that, she rides off, leaving you to walk home.

"Fuck." You whisper to yourself. "She's good." 

"Grey" Fezco O'Neill x black fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now