Chapter 16 - Fashion Show

Começar do início

I can't help it and punch him in the arm causing him to laugh. "Shut up," I roll my eyes and shake my head. I decide not to humor him, "What about you? Any dates with that cute girl from training?"

"Who, Zoe?" Tyler shrugs, "Nah. I'll probably just go on a long run, do some laps in the lake, and train through the night. My initiation test for being a pack warrior is coming up. I've got to be in tip-top shape."

"I can put in a good word with Sage." I tell him with a smile. Now that Sage and I have gotten a bit closer, I'm sure I can tell her to keep her eye out on Tyler.

"Fuck that would be amazing." He tells me sincerely. "I've been training a lot with the recruiters. They're saying I'm the fastest wolf in the pack. Tell her that, maybe she'll be willing to spar me."

I raise my eyebrow, "You want to spar the Beta? Do you think you'd beat her?"

Tyler scoffs, "Goddess no. But Einstein said, 'Failure is success in progress.' You can't learn if you don't fail."

We're about to veer paths in the middle of campus. Tyler lives near the student dorms, he basically has a house of him and his friends. Once I walked by it and it smelled like full on testosterone. No way I'd ever go in there.

"So, what are you wearing tonight?" Tyler smirks, crossing his arms to look at me. "You have to wear something nice to sweep our Alpha off his firmly planted feet."

The question catches me off guard. I hadn't thought of it too much. It's not like I have a lot of clothes to begin with. I look down at my dark jeans and subtle V-neck top that I wear to teach class. I suddenly feel self-conscious, "I thought this was fine..."

Tyler raises an eyebrow. He stares at me for a second, looking over my outfit. His mouth opening and closing. I can tell he's trying to be careful with his words. In a deadpan, completely strained voice he goes, "...okay."

I throw another punch at his arm, the both of us laughing. He grabs my wrist, pulling me towards his side of campus towards the dorms. "Come on," He laughs. "I've got an idea."

On the walk over to Goddess-Knows-Where, I notice that Tyler will occasionally go silent while he mind-links someone. Thankfully, he doesn't take me to his house. Instead, we end up walking up the stairs to a different house—vanilla candles, oven-baked cookies, and soap all hitting my nose.

Ah yes, I think to myself. Girls live here.

Tyler doesn't hesitate to open the door and lets me walk in first. "Yo," He calls into the house. "We're here."

Two girls from my training class pop up at the top of the stairs. And just in front of me is Ashley and Cassidy—two of my students. "Hey Miss Holms," Ashley practically jumps up in excitement. "Tyler told us you need some help with what to wear."

The two girls at the top of the stairs grab boxes—I mean literal moving boxes—of clothes and bring it downstairs. They walk past me with smiles as they take it to the living room. Tyler chuckles when he see's my terrified face. I've never had this many about me. They're all so genuinely excited.

Ashley and Cassidy each grab one of my hands, dragging me into the living room where—lo and behold—Evan and Jeremy are on the sofa. "Dude," Evan opens his arms up as soon as he see's Tyler. "What the hell, you promised beer?"

Ashley rolls her eyes so far into her head I fear for her. "Relax. Tyler didn't have time to grab beer you can have some of mine."

"Sweet," Evan sings while walking past me. Oddly enough, he bows his head, "What up Prof?"

I turn to Tyler, my eyebrow raised. "You convened everyone?"

Tyler smiles, "Of course. We all want you to impress the Alpha. You've got both female and male perspective."

Two RejectsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora