Ch. 92

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The Lost Dixon

Ch. 92-

Reece's Point of View:

Daryl, Gabriel, Aaron, Laura and I huddled around each other, trying to put the pieces together as to how Negan was able to get out last night.

"The keys were gone. And he got out." Gabriel says.

"Who was on watch last night?" Aaron asks.

"I was." Laura says. 

"Whoever stole the keys wanted him gone." Aaron shakes his head. "Do we have any idea who?" Everyone falls silent and I turned my eyes to Laura. She kept her eyes on me, causing everyone to look at her.

"Laura?" Gabriel asks. She swallows hard and holds her eyes with me.

"Look, I don't wanna put you on the spot or make it seem like you're a potential suspect, but...I saw you with him last." Laura says. Everyone frowns at me.

"Can't be." Daryl shakes his head. "I was. I was askin' him what happened." He says.

"An hour after, Reece showed up. Said she was trying to get answers before the council came with a final decision." She explains. "He was there before you showed up. After you left, he was gone." 

"Did you let him out, Reece?" Aaron asks. I frown at his words.

"Do you think I have any reason to talk to that man?" I ask him. "That asshole screwed with my brother." I turn my eyes to Laura. "You were with him for the longest. How do we know you didn't let him out? If we're really going to think about this, you were the last one with him." I say. I pull away from everyone and walked down the road. Without warning, I felt a hard tug on my arm and see Daryl pulling me off to the side. I snag my arm back and held a stare with him.

"You let him out?" He questions. 

"Do you actually believe her?" I question. He looks down and shakes his head. 

"Look, it's me, Reece." He says. "If you did it, just tell me. We can figure this out together. I just need to know why." I inhaled deeply and shook my head.

"I didn't do it." I say, looking him in the eyes. 


Daryl and I enter through the Hilltop gates. We came here to give a helping hand. We took a night to find Negan, but there was no sign of him. Finally, today, Daryl wakes me up and tells me we were taking a trip to Hilltop. I really wanted to stay, meet Negan in the two days like we'd planned to, but I couldn't really stay around. I'm a target for pointing fingers at Alexandria. And I think Daryl wanted me to go with him to keep an eye on me.

We greet Ezekiel and took a moment to find out what we could do to help. Siddiq went off to help the injured in the infirmary.

I turn my head and see Connie walking to a group of workers entering the gates of Hilltop. She writes down on her notepad and flips it around for the lead to read it, which she wrote Kelly's name and a question mark. 

"She's not here?" The lead asks. Connie shakes her head and points to the notepad impatiently. "She was tracking something, said she's meet us back here. Should've been back by now. I walk over to Connie and grabbed her attention. She turns to me with hopeful eyes.

"Let's go find her." I say. She nods her head. 


Daryl, Connie, Magna and I searched the woods for a few hours. We were able to get a few leads before finally finding her slumped against a tree. Dog had barked, giving us the signal. Connie rushed off from the group and quickly dropped to her knees next to Kelly, who was unconscious. She's covered in scratches, dirt, sweat and bruises. She was in bad shape. Connie and Magna shake her awake and she freaks out for a moment before realizing it was her people. Connie signs to Kelly, probably asking what had happened. Kelly responds weakly. In the end, all smiles filled the air and we knew she was okay. Magna gives Kelly some water and she seemed to cough it all back up.

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