Ch. 39

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The Lost Dixon

Ch. 39- The Pain of a Hurting Soul

Reece's Point of View:

"It was going fine. Until it wasn't. Aidan was trying to take down a walker. It...It was closest to him. It was wearing a military uniform. I saw the grenades. I tried to stop him. He hit it. Blew up. Tara was hurt. Really bad. Aidan was stuck on some rods. We-We thought he was dead. We were gonna leave. Until Aidan started yelling for help. Noah, Nicholas and I went to help Aidan, Eugene took care of Tara. Walkers were getting close to us. Nicholas got scared. H was gonna run. But we made him stay. Couldn't get Aiden out of there without help. Nicholas ran. Noah had to pull me away from Aiden. We made it to the lobby. We were trapped in one of those rotating doors. Walkers inside and outside of the door. I thought that I could break the glass, let Noah and I out and then helped Nicholas.  All he had to do was hold the door. But he panicked. He pushed the door open, Noah and I, we were getting pushed towards the walkers. Noah, I had him. I had his hand. I tried. I watched him die." 

I wiped the tears from my eyes, looking down. Noah. Poor Noah. He was great. He was awesome. He was one of us for sure. I can't believe he's gone. 

"What happened? How is he back here?" Rick asks, referring to Nicholas. 

"I got outside, found the van where we parked it first. Nicholas threw Eugene down on the ground, hopped in the drivers side. I pulled him out and-and punched him. I was gonna leave him. I almost left him out there. Could have told a story." Glenn explains. Rick and I look at him.

"What, you think I should have?" Glenn asks.

"They don't know what they're doing." Rick shakes his head. 

"Any of them." I added.

"We'll show them." Glenn nods.

"I don't know if they can see it." Rick says. "How things really are. I don't know if they can yet. They haven't caught up."

"We have to be here." Glenn says. "We have to."

"Yeah, we do." Rick nods. "But their rules, we don't answer to them."

"We are them, Rick." Glenn argues. "We are now. Noah, he believed in this place. I'm telling you, we gotta make this work." I nodded my head, agreeing with Glenn. Even if these people can't see how important it is to know the fear beyond those walls, we still have to make this work. Maybe Rick will figure something out. Something to make these people understand what we've all been through. We have to make it work though. We have to make it work, in order for us to stay here. I don't think I have it in me to go hungry again, hot and cold, sleeping with one eye open again. I just can't.

I felt a tap on my knee and see Rick pulling himself to his feet and walking away. I grab Glenn's knee and pull myself onto my feet. Rick and I walk back to Rick's home, seeing Carol on the porch. 

"Have you thought about what I said? About Pete?" She asks. I let out a sigh, both Rick and I nodding our heads. 

"Yeah." Rick answers. We look to the side and see Jessie's home a house down from us. She sat on her porch, seeming upset.

"I talked to Sam some more." Carol informs us. "He said his mom put a bolt on the inside of his closet. Tells him to lock himself in sometimes and not come out till morning. He said he can hear his dad yelling, things breaking, his mom crying. Last month it go quiet right in the middle of it and he went out and found her on the floor unconscious, bleeding. Pete was just sitting on the porch." I inhaled deeply, closing my eyes.

"Why do you care what happened to Jessie?" Rick asks. Carol tilts her head to the side.

"You know why." She says. "And I know why you do."

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