Ch. 24

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The Lost Dixon

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The Lost Dixon

Ch. 24: The Piles Of Lies and Secrets

Reece's Point of View:
The air filled with smoke. The growls and snarls filled the prison. The screams of terror filled my ears. Blood splattered everywhere around the prison. Dead bodies scattered the prison courtyard. Plants and wood pieces dirtied the ground. Everything was destroyed. My home was destroyed.

Rick fired the first shot the moment The Governor killed Hershel. I tried my best to get the blood off my shoulder from when he leaned into me. I only wanted to take a long shower to wash the memory away. I don't even know if everyone made it out. The bus is gone. We were using that to get everyone out incase something horrible were to happen, something like walkers pushed their way in and we had to leave. Not use it to escape the Governor and his people.

I quickly pushed my way inside the prison. I was lucky enough to slip away from the Governor once he killed Hershel and everyone opened fire. I got my knife back. My quiver of bows and my bow. I ran into Rick earlier, who was badly beaten up by The Governor himself. I fired three arrows into his back before finally drawing my knife into his heart and letting him suffer in pain. That's all I ever wanted to do. And so I did. Rick pushed his way out of my arms and went off to find Carl and Judith. Since then, I haven't seen him. I don't even know if either of them are alive at this point, especially Rick.

I pushed my curtain to the side, quickly grabbing my bag and stuffing it with clothes and any survival things I could fit in it. Once I was prepared. I quickly headed back outside. It wasn't too overrun with walkers. Any walkers inside the courtyard, they were all too busy feeding on the dead bodies lying around.

"Wait! Wait!" I turn my head and see Peter himself running towards me. He quickly backs off a walkers head that reached out to him and he approaches me.

"Don't leave." He says.

"You're on your own, Peter." I scoff.

"Coke on. Seriously?" He frowns. "Shit just hit the fan and now you wanna be all badass and take shit for yourself?" He asks.

"I'd rather walk with the dead than be with you." I say. I turn away from him, but Peter grabs my shoulder. It wasn't forceful, it wasn't aggressive. It was surprisingly gentle for once. I turn and look at him.

"I know I may not win husband of the year or, hell, even the century, but I still think we should stick together. Knowing you, you're gonna wanna find your people again." He says. "You'll need all the help you could possibly get. And I won't lay a single hand on you. The second I do, I'll allow you to draw that long knife into my head. Deal?" He says. My eyes shift behind him and see a herd of walkers coming our way.

"Try to keep up." I scoff at him. I turn away and we both begin running out of the prison and headed straight for the woods.

It's been at least a day ever since the prison. It's only Peter and I out here alone. As much as I hate to admit it, he's done well so far. He hasn't argued. Hasn't disagreed about anything that I planned to do. Nothing. Not a single bad thing. I can't tell if that's good or not. In the past, he'd have a good day or two. Then he'd go back to his dark and twisted ways. It's usually a lure, a trap, manipulation and such. But, I guess it's manageable. I guess I better take advantage of it before it all falls apart.

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