Ch. 81

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The Lost Dixon

Ch. 82- Bardo

Reece's Point of View:

I push the door open and find that the Hilltop was covered in snow. The wind was cold and the snowflakes fall silently down to the earth. Not a single living soul was around, not even walkers. I inhaled deeply, seeing everything so still, so quiet. It's like everything was abandoned. 

"It's called Bardo." I slowly turn my head and find Hershel standing in the snow. I furrow my brows at his words, wondering what he was talking about.

"Bardo?" I ask him.

"It's Buddhism." He explains. "The state of two existence intermediate between two lives." He says. I look around.

"Is that what this is?" I ask. "Between life and dead, is this where I'm at? I thought I was just...depressed or something." 

"Your body is on earth, you're a shell. But your soul, it's traveling all over." Hershel turns and looks at me. "Tell me- what is it exactly are you looking for, Reece?" He asks. I look down.

"Well. So far, I've seen you, Sasha, Abraham and Glenn. I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever see my husband. It's all dead people who's talking to me. Who seems to find me." I explain. Hershel lightly smiles.

"You won't find him here." He says. "

"Where can I find him?" I ask.

"You won't." Hershel says. "Do you believe in heaven and hell?" He asks. I held a stare with him, trying to wonder if I ever did or not. Sometimes I did, sometimes I didn't. Sometime's, I'd believe in where people would go where they deserved. Most times, I'd believe that people would just walk the earth and that's where they'd end up. 

"Heaven or hell." Hershel says. "I believe in God. That's no secret. Now, I believed that all the people we've lost, they'd all go to heaven." 

"Is that where Jesus is?" I ask him. 

"Maybe." He says. I frown at him.

"Then tell me where I can find him." I say.

"Like you'd know where to go." He chuckles. "You don't even know how you got here, do you?" He asks. I let out a small scoff and look down. 

"I just wanna see him one last time." I inhaled deeply and exhaled out, shaking my head. "I mean, I'm not even sure if this is real." I say. "For all I know, I could be completely out of my mind and I'm just driving myself crazy." Hershel slowly approaches me. 

"You went through something terrible. As did Maggie." He says. "She lost me, her sister, and now her husband. She's all alone in this world. But she's not. We're all there with her. We're always with her." 

"Finding the meaning of life, it's sometimes hard." I turn around and see the blonde girl walking out from behind the horse stable.

"Beth." I softly sigh out. She show's me a smile.

"You know, Daryl really needs you. More than ever, he needs you right now." She says. "He's lost Rick. He went crazy trying to find him. And now, with everything that's happening, everything that's being thrown at him, he needs you." I frown at her words.

"Everything that's being thrown at him, what are you talking about?" I ask her. Hershel and Beth turn and look at each other. Beth looks down and she walks a little closer to me.

"He's going out of his mind to keep himself together, Reece." She lightly explains. "He may be keeping it all together in front of everybody, but inside, he's panicking. The longer you're here, the more he's slipping away. If you leave him, he won't ever recover." I shake my head.

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