Ch. 60

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The Lost Dixon

Ch. 60- And The Truth Shall Be Revealed

Reece's Point of View:

I sat outside the trailer, sitting on the steps. Maggie had just gone inside to relax for a bit. I haven't exactly spoken one-on-one with her yet. I'm not exactly sure what I can say to her. 'Sorry for getting the father of your baby and husband killed?' Hell no. I feel that would just offend her. I get that if Maggie secretly hates me, she's got every right. So far, Maggie seems okay. You know, in front of everyone. She'll easily speak with me and all. I don't ever get any hostile vibes or hatred from her. But if we spoke together alone, maybe that would soon quickly change. I wish I could talk to her. But I don't know what to say. 

"Hey." I turn my head and see Paul approaching me. He plants himself down at the top of the stairs and leans on his knees.

"Sorry for taking over your trailer." I utter. I knew he's greatly opened with us being in his trailer and all, but I'd soon start to feel homesick, not being able to be alone and stuff. Sure, we've been able to get our alone time and all. but you know, still.

"Oh." He smiles. "I grew up with a lot of people around. I'm used to it." He explains. I lightly smiled.

"Big family?" I ask him. 

" home." He utters. 

"No way." I say. "Same here. Well, sometimes." I explain. Paul nods.

"Yeah, I've heard about you and Daryl's story. You were taken away at a young age, went to foster homes and all." He says. I nodded. "This isn't like that though." He adds. "Not the bad parts, at least. For the first time, I feel like I belong. Not because I have you to me personally, but trying to make sure you, Maggie and Sasha became a part of this made me a part of this." He shows me a smile and I smiled back, feeling almost happy for him. "When I was first here...I was never here. I, um...I always found it hard getting close to anyone- neighbors, friends, girlfriends...boyfriends." His eyes turn to me. But they weren't smiling anymore. It was like he was nervous or something. I furrowed my brows at him. 

"You're bisexual." I say. He looks down, nodding his head. 

"I, both, as you know what that term is." He says. "I find guys and girls attractive. I mean, I've, uh, I've hooked up with some guys before." He explains. I nodded my head. "I know what you're thinking. I probably should've told you this before we started-"

"Being intimate?" I ask. He lightly chuckles and nods.

"Yeah." He utters. "But, you know, I was nervous. I wasn't sure how you'd take it." He explains. 

"If you're worried I'd be mad about your sexuality, you're wrong." I say. "Like, dead wrong." 

" don't mind?" He asks, frowning his brows. 

"If we ever happen to break up and you start dating a guy? No." I shake my head. "That's you. I'm glad you were able to tell. I'm not mad at all. You waited to tell me and you waited to tell me when you felt ready. I'm proud of you for that." I smile. Paul's cheeks turn a little red and he smiles at me. 

The sound of the gates opening up pulls our attention. We see someone walking in, Rosita. I let out a faint gasp in excitment.

"My best friend is here."I smile at him. I pull myself up, grabbing his knees and leaning on him. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and turn away from him. I rush off over to the dirt path, catching up to Rosita. A smile grows over her face as we embraced each other in a tight hug.

"You're here." I smile. 

"I'm here." She says softly. I break the hug and held a stare with her. "Where's Sasha?" She asks. My smile fades as I held a stare with her. I look down and let out a sigh.

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