Ch. 23

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The Lost Dixon

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The Lost Dixon

Ch. 23: What Goes Around Comes Around

Reece's Point of View:
My hands remained bonded together. Anger boiled through my body as Hershel and I sat silently in the RV we were taken to by the Governor. A million thoughts ran through my mind, as I didn't have a clue what was going to happen to us, to the prison, to everybody back at home. To me. The Governor wanted me for himself, but that didn't happen. It's been months since we last saw him, how do I know he still wants my head. Or eye.

Wherever we are, there are women and children outside the RV. It's a camp of some sort. The windows are blocked and covered so nobody could look inside. The person that came through that door was the Governor himself.

The Governor opens up a cabinet and grabs a bottle of rubbing alcohol. He grabs a rag and a bandaid before soaking the rag in the alcohol. He then stands before me and tries cleaning off the blood.

"Don't touch me!" I growl. He grabs my cheeks and holds my place in place, continuing to rub the blood away. He doesn't a say word but simply tosses the rag to the side and grabs the bandaid, unwrapping it and pressing it over the wound he gave me.

"Get off me." I hiss at him. The Governor doesn't say anything as he digs into his pocket and pulls out a folded news paper.

"You should eat." He suggests. "It's gonna be a long day." Wouldn't have to be a long day if he didn't just snatch us up. "Nobody's gonna hurt you." He says and turns away. What a liar. The only person who will get hurt it him and anybody else who gets in my way.

"I don't believe that." Hershel says. See? He knows.

"Well, I don't care." The Governor says, cleaning up everything he used to treat my wound he caused.

"Just tell us what this is." Hershel says. "Please."

"It isn't personal." Then Governor.

"Then what is it?" Hershel asks.

"Reece, I want you to know..." My heart jumped at his calling my name. I didn't know what he would say to me, or why he would say something to me at all. "Penny, my daughter, she was dead. I know that now. Now, I don't wanna hurt you. I don't wanna hurt anyone. I need the prison, that's it. There are people I need to keep alive. You two are gonna help me take it. No one needs to die." I kept my eyes locked on the back of his head. My blood boiled through my skin, which only caused me to sweat. My heart beated against my chest. Anger was simply taking over me.

"I'm gonna kill you." I tell him.

"No, you won't." He shrugs my words off. Which only angered me even more.

"I'm gonna take my-"

"Stop it." Hershel demands lightly. "You want the prison?" He asks the Governor.

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