Ch. 43

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The Lost Dixon

Ch. 43- The Bigger World

Daryl's Point of View:

We ride off until the sun had set, riding through the night, guiding the walkers away from home. By the time the sun had came up, we remained driving. I found myself getting more and more exhausted, ready to return home, shower and crash into bed. 

"Alright." I hear my walkie go off.

"That's 20?" I ask. The part of our plan? Drive the walkers 20 miles away from Alexandria.

"It will be. 642 is a mile ahead." Sasha responds. "We gotta out distance between us and them before the turnoff."

"So floor it." Abraham says.

"Alright, try to keep up." I say. I pull the gas handle and the speed picks up.

"Daryl, have you looked at this car?" Sasha asks, chuckling. "Believe me, we wanna get back there, too." I see the sign, 642. I slow the bike down and turn onto the road. We ride along the woods for a little bit before entering a small suburban area. I kept my eyes peeled for walkers, making sure I wouldn't run into them. Before I knew it, gunfire comes right at me. I duck my head down, eyes searching frantically for the culprit. I turn my back and see a car behind Sasha and Abraham, arms sticking out and guns firing. I turn my head and see another car with four men standing on the side of the road, firing their weapons. 

I revved up the bike, driving faster. I turn to my left, entering  dirt pathway. The bike slides out from under me, falling to the side and sliding across the ground. I quickly jump up, picking up the bike and climbing back on it. I start the engine an began driving off. I hear tires screeching behind me and see two gray, rusted cars quickly following me. I dive in between train cars, cargo boxes and vehicles. I plow through some walkers, none of them slowing me down. I quickly turn the bike and get back onto the road. One car crashed, the other still behind me.

I sped off down the road, getting far enough from the second car to dive into the woods. I hide within the trees, waiting for the car to pass. I hear the vehicle approaching and I watch drive down the road. I pull the accelerator and drive across the street, entering the other side of the woods. I continued driving, soon finding a part of the forest burnt and left to nothing. Once I felt far and hidden enough from the road, I drop my bike and body, lying on the ground. I caught up with my breath, ignoring the pain I felt in my left arm. 

I hear soft snarls, almost muffled coming from beside me. I turn my head, gasping at the sound, only to see a skinny and weak walker with a melted bikers helmet over its head. 

The break is cut short when I knew I couldn't lay back and take my time. I knew I needed to get back to Sasha and Abraham as fast as I could. I pull myself from the ground, picking up my bike and pushing it. I wanted to find another way to the town without taking the main road. If there are more people, I don't wanna take the chance. 

I carefully roll my bike down a small hill and let fall on its side. I walk over it, grabbing the walkie off my vest and calling for the others.

"Sasha? Abraham, you there?" I release the button, waiting for them to answer back to me. Nothing. I wasn't sure whether I was out of range or they just weren't responding. I wasn't sure if they were keeping quiet or if they were taken by those people or if they were killed. I didn't wanna think of the worst. I wanted to stay as positive as I could. The best thing I can do is make my way back to them and find out if they're alright. 

I look down and find a burnt skeleton beside my feet. I can see drops of blood on the forehead of the skull. I lift my hand up, pulling my glove off and flicking off the access blood off my hand. I carefully pull my jacket off, groaning from the pain I felt in my arm. I toss the jacket on the ground, walking over to my bike and unclipping the bag off of it. I hear branches snapping and I freeze, looking around. I hear rustling and I turn away to my bike, pulling my crossbow from the back end of it. I reach down, pulling the pile of dried and burnt branches onto my bike, hiding it.

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