Chapter 1; New Nexus Heir

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"What have you done?!"

Baron Draxum fled his lab in a rage with his two gargoyles. Lou Jitsu scooped up three baby turtles and looked around frantically for the fourth one. Assuming it was already crushed, with a heavy heart, he too ran from the crumbling lab.

Unknown to Lou Jitsu however, a tiny green body was crawling away from the building, into the streets of the Hidden City. The baby turtle found itself in the bustling streets of the Hidden City. It tried to reach out to people to be picked up, but it was kicked away. So they baby turtle crawled into an alleyway to find something to eat.


Big Mama had to give it to him. Lou Jitsu was a slippery one. She had just called off the search to return to the Nexus Hotel. Why bother to waste time looking for a champion who refuses to fight? That time is better spent looking for and promoting a new champion.

She was in her true, beautiful spider form walking down the street when a faint chirping sound grabbed her attention and halted her stride. Her many legs started creeping into the filthy alley to her right. A small creature with the most darling red markings over the cutest turquoise eyes was curled in a little ball holding its stomach.

"A child? What a scrumptious little thing you are. Has anybody lost this little one?"

Big Mama scuttled to the edge of the alley to see if there were any frantic faces. She did make sure to keep the little creature within her line of sight at all times. Said infant was sitting upright and shaking uncontrollably. Not from fear, Big Mama could sense fear from miles away. The poor thing was freezing cold. A big gummy smile was plastered on its face as it reached out toward her with grabby hands.

"Hello again little child. You want Big Mama to pick you up, yes?"

She relented and lifted the small baby awkwardly into three arms. She wasn't accustomed to holding children in her true form, let alone one so tiny and fragile.

"Where are your parents, sweetiekins."

She was asking herself more than the child, obviously. It was sucking on its closed fist while seeking warmth in her fluff. She changed into her humanoid form to hold the child more efficiently and to wrap the tiny thing in her coat. Now that she could see the child better, its pretty green skin had a variety of purple-blue bumps and tiny scrapes. Most likely gained from the unforgiving streets.

"Big Mama will get you food, medical treatment, and help you find your family."

Big Mama was far from being the most benevolent Yokai in the New York Hidden City, but she would flay the Yokai or human who hurt this poor child.


"Did you say something sweetface?"


"Where is your mother dear one?"

She looked around her once more for a Yokai she could have missed.


Big Mama slowly turned her head back to the baby in her arms. It was extending its pudgy little arms, wanting to be held closer. She did so, figuring out the poor child's situation.

"Ma'am, there is no Turtle Yokai within the immediate area or any concerned parents nearby. It appears this infant was abandoned and the parents have fled the Hidden City."

"Very well. Go to the hotel. I want food prepared as well as formula, a infant sized outfit for this little one, and the best pediatric doctor you can find."

"Yes Mum."

Her darling assistant vanished as quietly as she appeared, leaving Big Mama to walk back to her hotel. This infant was starting to whimper and snuggle closer to her chest.

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