"That's Kang Haerin, she transferred from god knows where last month, rumours say she's a geek and a nerd. She doesn't have any friends here." She didn't have to add the last bit tho.

I didn't realize I was already inspecting the girl in the back, Haerin, she looks kind of distant with everyone.

She was scribbling on her notes when her eyes landed on mine. I didn't know how long that eye contact was but it was suffocating.

Her eyes were... cold, lifeless.

I rolled my eyes at her, trying to gouge out a reaction when she turn away.

I clicked my tounge in annoyance.

"Kang Haerin, let's fight for that spot then."

end of flashback

That was like a year ago when we were in 3rd year of BS Chem. Our relationship didn't improve even a bit.

Kang Haerin is like a robot. She wouldn't start an argument with me, the only times she'll do it is when we do a face-to-face debate.

She can only look at me when we're contested for a debate, everybody said we had chemistry, I doubt that, what we had is conflict tension.

And I couldn't stand her for whatever reason, I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual though.

I heave a deep sigh, "I want a burger." I whispered

I was surprised when Chaewon showed up out of nowhere and clings her arms to mine

"I was craving those, let's go. It's my treat!"

Minji and Karina also pulled me with them, they knew I'll escape if they let go. Gosh, I just wanna go home and review my notes, why am I attracting people who are bad influences?

"I kind of want a beer," Karina muttered

"I don't drink, you guys can go."

"You'll come whether you like it or not, come on." Minji insisted while pouting

I rolled my eyes before laughing, so I agreed.

We entered a new opening burger and beer restaurant when I bumped into someone I know.

"Winter," I kissed her cheek while she succumbed me with a hug

"I would want to talk to you right now but my social battery's run out so I guess I'll see you when I see you again," She tiredly mumbled while hugging me

I chuckled, "Take a good rest, pal." I patted her back, she was holding my hand as she walked out of the door.

When I turned back I bumped someone's tray and the drinks spilled all over her clothes.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry!" I took my handkerchief out of my pocket and began to wipe it on her jacket, it looks branded gosh why wasn't I looking?

My eyes were focused on her jacket when she grabbed my wrist. My eyed widened in shock and disbelief as soon as I stare at her face.

It's Kang Haerin.

With her motionless eyes of course. I tried to speak but no words came out, my throat's dry.

She picked up the handkerchief that fell on the floor which I didn't even noticed.

I heard her breathe out before asking, "You didn't do it on purpose, right?"

I can only shake my head in response.

"I thought so," She walked out and went for the restroom and I stood there like a damn fool while everybody's watching

I facepalmed myself mentally. Danielle, what the hell is wrong with you?

hindsight | haerin x danielle | daerinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon