Male Master Reader X Yandere Morgan (Lostbelt): You Are A Strange Husband

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" The hell you looking at?" Looking from his lunch, Y/N L/N, one of three of humanity's last Masters, glared at one of the Chaldea employees.

The employee gave him one last glance and looked away.

" Fucking assholes," Y/N mumbled loud enough for the other table to hear. And looking at their twitching faces, they heard him loud and clear.

Ritsuka Fujimaru sighed at his best friend's behavior.

" Do you have to say that?"

Y/N eyes narrowed," Those fuckboys deserve it."

" And why do they deserve it?"

" You know why."

Ritsuka sighed again. He does know why. And it has an honest reason why.

-Y/N summoned Morgan Le Fay, The Lostbelt King, The Fairy Queen.

And yet to Y/N... She's just another servant. An extremely powerful servant, but a servant nonetheless. Instead of being fearful like him, Y/N throws it away into the void.

He didn't even sweat or scream out in fear as most Chaldea employees did. Rather, he was calm with that ever-carefree smile on his face.

The Husband of the Fairy Queen, as he now goes by everyone, shifting some of their hate on him how for summoning someone like her here.

It's not his fault, his Luck is so high. That's what he said and shrugged. He didn't care about mostly everyone hating him. He welcomed it with open arms even, cursing and mocking them without a care in the world. A habit, Ritsuka tried to help go away.

Y/N always had a sharp tongue and he made known throughout everywhere, cursing and mocking Gods and Kings alike.

For without little fun In life, what is living? He would say something like that with his carefree smile and mean every word. That is who Y/N L/N, is, and he won't change for anyone.

Due to this, most of Y/N's servants are on the darker side... Mostly Alters and Avengers, with a Caster or two In there.

" Oi, why are you looking at me like that?" Y/N frowned, seeing Ritsuka's 'look'. A look that wants to say something.

" *Cough* Like that?" Ritsuka blushed a bit in embarrassment, only now remembering he had been looking at Y/N the whole time he had been thinking.

" Like you want to say something," Throwing french fry in his mouth, he ate it and gulped it down," If you have something to say - say it Ritsuka."

Titling his head, Y/N eyes glowed," Is about a girl?" It has to be right?

" Umm, no." Ritsuka shook his head," I was just thinking about what should I get for Mash's birthday."

" Ah, so it's about a girl." Y/N smiled.

Ritsuka shook his head, blushing a bit again," I-It nothing like that. I just didn't know what to get her."

" Books." Y/N replied," That's what I'm getting her."

" Huh, so what can I get her then?"

" Get who?"

" Ah!" Ritsuka jumped in fright, knowing that voice. And before he knew it, Y/N was already walking away with a sly smile.

' You Traitor!' Ritsuka cursed, seeing Y/N leave the cafeteria.

Behind him was none other than Mash.


" Why do you take that, dear Husband?" Morgan raised an asked Y/N, who just stepped out of the cafeteria. Her voice was cold as ever, despite her words.

" Take what?" He let out a confused look, but then laughed," Are you talking about those asshats?"

" Yes. I wouldn't use that particular word, but yes." Morgan nodded, leaning off the wall and walking with her Husband and Master.

" I don't take it."

Morgan frowned," You...don't?"

He shook his head," I just don't care."

" Why?" She finally asked the question she had been meaning to ask a week ago, since her Summon.

Y/N smiled, and gave her one of those carefree smiles of his, she saw so much inside her Lostbelt. Even when she shot him, stabbed him, kicked him - he still kept that damn smile. It actually annoyed her a lot.

Why doesn't he cry? Why doesn't he scream in pain? Why doesn't he stay down? Why doesn't he run away? What keeps him going?

Because of these many questions, she finally asked.

" Because who cares what others think?" That was his answer.

" If I actually cared about what others thought, then I would given up a long time ago." he bitterly chuckled here," And Alaya doesn't like people who give up on her."

Immediately after he said this, he felt a cold appear around him. Looking at the source, he found an icy-looking Morgan.

" Who's Alaya?" Her voice was beyond absolute zero. Her voice made even the void blush in shame at how cold it was.

Amd yet, Y/N smiled," Humanity's Will."

The cold immediately disappeared. What replaced it was a blushing Fairy Queen. Blushing in shame. She got... jealous at Humanity.

She doesn't know why - but she absolutely hates it when Y/N hangs out with his female servants. It brings her unimaginable pain.

' They don't deserve him. They don't know him like I do. I am perfect for him.' The thoughts she wanted to bury instantly appeared with full force. With these thoughts, the memories of when he captured him and brought him to her dungeon and...tortured him.

... She doesn't get it. Shouldn't he hate her with every fiber of his being?

And yet here they are walking together.

" You are strange Husband." Morgan couldn't help herself. She had to say it. Her dear Husband is indeed strange.

" Nah, I'm just too broken beyond repair." Y/N struggled. He snapped a long time ago. The Grand Order is not nice to people like him.

"..." Morgan didn't know what to say. But then she did.

" Likewise, dear Husband."

They are the same... Two broken people beyond repair. No wonder he almost betrayed the whole of humanity for her. He is indeed...broken.


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