Chapter 46 - You're Coming With Me

Start from the beginning

"Wow, I didn't think I would get such a big reaction from you, it's funny though," he said as he extended his hand to me, his blue contacts lit up with that same mischief that I saw in them the first time I met him.

"It wasn't funny Beomgyu" I take his hand and get up, dusting the invisible dirt on my uniform.

"It was to me" he shrugs and puts his hands in his pocket. That is when I notice him.

He still has the same haircut but the silver streaks I usually see on his hair are missing. He dyed his hair, and given the look of it, styled it professionally.

And instead of his usual uniform or the baggy graphic t-shirts, I have seen him in, tonight he is in a well-tailored suit, charcoal black with a white shirt and a maroon tie.

He is dressed up.

There is an intricate design with gold tread on the lapels of his blazers and when he pulls out his hand to run it through his hair, I spot the gold cufflink with a cursive 'C' on it.

He is wearing maroon socks and shiny black shoes. He looks put together and effortless without trying. He looks extremely handsome and a little older than his age. He looks out of place here.

Why is he so dressed up?

And why is he here?

As if reading my mind, he smiles at me, eyeing me up and down.

He has already seen me in this uniform before so I don't mind it and plus I am so tired, I couldn't give a rat's ass about what he thought.

After knowing about them, it was easy to distance me from them because I could alter the feeling of dissociation from them.

I mean they were the Royals.

I understood why people of weary of talking about them. After knowing their history and lineage, even I am weary about discussing it with anyone.

The constant nagging in my head that I might say something inappropriate or do something inappropriate haunts me. And it's not like I have a great track record with anyone of them.

"You didn't come to the party," he says more of a statement than a question.

I look at him quizically for a minute before the fog in my brain clears as today's date comes to my mind.

Today is Friday.

Today is the date of the fundraiser.

The invitation.




The Choi Group.

My head spins just thinking about it again, even though I am just replaying what I already know and what has happened already.

"You got the invite, didn't you? Soobin invited you to the afterparty we have right? Did he not give you the address? He said he did. Did he not?" he asks and I just shake my head.

"I am just not a party person. How'd you find me anyway?" I ask diverting the topic.

"I saw you were not there at the party, and I knew you work here till late since you were the one who closed the shop last time so I gave it a shot. Good thing I did cause I found you" he smiles and it makes him look oddly sweet.

Like he is just another high school boy.

"You even missed the song I sang at the fundraiser. Your advice helped me write it and many people complimented me on it as well" He pouts and stares at me.

I swallow and look around the shop, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Well, as I mentioned earlier, I am not a big party person. And I also had to work here" I shrug.

"Couldn't you have taken one night off?" he asks innocently but his words only lay a firmer foundation for my dissociation.

As if reading my expression, Beomgyu looks at me with guilt and apology but doesn't voice it out.

"Anyway, I am closing so you should-"

"Yuri, where are you?" San's voice called out as he entered the shop. I had turned off most of the lights so I knew he wouldn't be able to see me.

"Yuri- What are you doing here?" San echos once his eyes fix on Beomgyu.

"Ever so nice to meet you San" Beomgyu does a formal bow and San just looks uncomfortable. He looks at me, eyes asking me a silent question but there isn't anything to tell him.

"As I was saying earlier Beomgyu, I am closing up so you should -" I don't get to finish my sentence again.

"Great, you can come to the party then" Beomgyu smiles at me, his icy blue contacts shining with the returned mischief.

"She's not going to any party with you" San grabs my wrist and pulls me a little towards him as he glares at Beomgyu.

The shift is slight, almost negligible, and fleeting but I notice it.

Beomgyu's eyes narrow slightly and the corner of his lips curve up into a smirk, his demeanor changing in an instant but he covers it up quickly and returns to his usual smiling self.

But I noticed the change and it reminded me awfully a lot of a pink-haired boy with the same expression. The only difference was that Beomgyu could easily cover it up whereas Yeonjun wore it as his universal face.

I shivered at the retuning thought that they are brothers.

"First of all, save your attitude for Taehyun. Don't go all bitchy on me, I will not take it kindly-" Is there an underlying threat in his words or am I just imagining stuff?

But given how San tenses beside me, I am sure I am not imagining it.

"And as for Yuri, I think she is more than capable of making her own decisions" he smiles condescendingly at San, even though San is older than him.

"Yuri, let's go. Lock up, you're coming with me" San tugs my arm again but before I can take a step another arm wraps around my free hand.

"No, you're coming with me" Beomgyu glares at San.


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