I'm sorry. I really am.

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Hey guys.

Um, I've been dealing with depression, and uh.. it's hard to stay in this life if you know what I mean. I'm hanging on to dear life. I'm sorry I haven't been posting. Just recently I got insulted and abused badly by my boyfriend and his friend.

Don't worry guys, I'll be okay, and I'll make sure to get something out soon.

Here's some advice:

It's okay to hurt. It's okay to not be okay. It's okay to say, "I'm depressed" or "I'm scared". It's okay. If anything you can talk to me about it. I can give you a thing to contact me on. But, it's okay to feel sad. It's not okay to stay sad. Time doesn't stop for anyone.

I'm going to make a list for people who feel alone.

Abuse/Trauma: I can say that abuse is really tough. That's an understatement, but it's really bad. Things can only get better. I promise they will. Everything will turn out on it's own. And for the ones with trauma, it's okay to be anxious or paranoid about something because of trauma. I know how it feels to be under anxiety and depression. But, if you can, seek a therapist. If you don't want to do that, seek someone who you trust, and talk to them. If you've already done that, then it'll just take some time to heal. You are powerful. You are strong. You can make it through anything. You all have come this far in life. There's a purpose and meaning to your life.

Depression/Not wanting to live: Don't do it. Trust me it's not worth it. People, believe it or not, care about you. I struggle with this a lot. But, talk to someone, hug someone. Tell someone you trust. Seek therapy if you can. If you don't like the professional walk out the door therapy you can do it online. But please don't do it. I want you and you specifically to be happy. If it makes you feel any better, I started writing stories to make you smile or feel warm and fuzzy inside (This feels cheesy). You may be saying, "She's not talking to me specifically." Yes I most certainly am! Don't do it. If you feel like doing it go to someone. If you don't want to do that go on Wattpad and read a story or two, or even start journaling. You're powerful, and unstoppable.

Anxiety/paranoia: Okay this one will be a hard one to jolt down because I'm starting to fall asleep, (It's 2:00 A.M where I'm writing this). But, anxiety is normal. Humans have certain fears or anxieties. I have anxiety and tourette syndrome, (go figure 😂). But I am very familiar with sudden anxiety or overthinking. It's okay to overthink sometimes. It's not okay to stress about everything though. Grab a stuffed animal or something, turn on the TV, and watch some Stranger Things or Star Wars or something (Idk what people like anymore. People are hopping back and forth too much). I'm basically saying watch your favorite movie or show. Get something to eat and put on your favorite pj's. Get comfortable and take deep breaths and remind yourself that you're safe and you're okay. I'd normally say to chillax but that sounds rude of me. But remind yourself that you're safe. You're powerful, and you can overcome any anxiety.

Eating disorder (Not eating enough): Girlll. Boyyy. No that's unacceptable, go get a snack and look in the mirror and say, "I am beautiful. I am loved. I am perfect." But don't starve yourself because of bullying or thinking you're not good enough. You're beautiful the way you are. Beautiful doesn't define gender, beautiful means something that is overwhelmingly pleasing to the eye, like flowers. So guys, you say it too! But trust me, you're beautiful, and you are loved. Don't starve yourself to fit society. If society doesn't like how you look then, (I'm gonna say this once) fuck it! People don't know your beauty! Beauty standards are people's opinions! They're not facts! So starting eating and enjoy the food ☺️ You deserve it. You're very strong and amazing. We can get through it together.

Eating disorder (Eating a lot purposely): Noo 🥺 I know food is your comfort, and I know that it tastes good or you don't care that it's slowly hurting you but please don't hurt yourself like that. It's okay to have large meals, but not all the time 🥺 I know this sounds very rude of me. Pardon me, 🥲 but please don't do it to yourself. You're not alone, okay? You can always talk to someone about it too. I don't really know what else to say because I'm very tired and I've never experienced this eating disorder. I'm sorry if that sounded very rude, which it probably did. But, you're a very powerful person, you got this! We are all in this together.

Addiction (Any bad kind): Alright so, we can agree the addiction isn't good. I know putting down an addiction is hard, but I believe you can do this. You can battle it, we all believe in you. Try talking to someone about it, like a loved one, a therapist or maybe a counselor (I forgot what counselors do exactly 💀 and don't say "They council." I know! 😂) But you can talk to someone and find a way to stop the addiction.

I'm sorry if I missed anyone, make sure to tell me what I missed, and I'll address it. My brain is on shutdown right now so I'm sorry.

But, we all support you specifically. If you have read my books and stories, then you are a part of the Slasher Pack (Hehe ngl I laughed making that up). So we all support you and you should support us ☺️ We're all family in the Slasher Pack.

Idk if someone has already used that term, probably so. This might get copyrighted 😂 But ummm YEEEEAH!

See y'all in the next story!!!!! Bye!

Btw you all are crazy for all the reads (In a good way of course! ❤️) Thank you for the support!!!!


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