Hannibal Lecter x Female Reader -Fluffy??- (Chapter 3)

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I've made my decision. Let's just hope both don't get angry at me.

"I'm not moving! Do you think punching each other is the way to solve each other's issues?! Seriously?!"

"If he's dead then yeah I'll be okay!" My brother yelled back.

"You're acting like a fucking 6 year old who's yelling at everyone under the sun for not getting a McDonald's happy meal!"

He then punches me, forcing me back.

I didn't notice Hannibal was directly behind me, so as soon as I was forced back, I fell straight into his arms.

"You just hit your own sister.. for calling your idiotic actions out?" Hannibal then growled, looking at me to see if I'm bleeding.

"She may be my sister but it doesn't mean she can bully me like she's in high school."

"You're in high school though, imbecile. It's a no wonder why you don't have any.. What's the term.. Oh yeah, 'Bitches'."

(Hannibal be roasting the hell outta this kid ISTG... And I'm the one writing these 💀)

"You have already crossed the damn line by insulting my father's absence. And now you're insulting me being single?! You have the physical shape of the grandma in SpongeBob, but you have the mindset of fucking Dora the Explorer. Stop insulting people to fucking cover your ass old man."

Hannibal glares at my brother in a death-like look, replying, "So much bark for no bite."

"Come on you Lithuanian bastard!" My brother starts putting up his fists.

I wasn't bleeding but I sure as hell have bruised lips and jaw.

"Very well then, child." Hannibal places me back into the trunk as he brings up his fists.

My brother smiles as he starts pouncing at Hannibal, trying to hit him anywhere he can.

"Too slow.." Hannibal yawns as he dodges almost every punch, occasionally blocking the other punches.

"Hold still old man!" My brother yells as he starts swinging at Hannibal full force.

"Maybe try hitting me instead?" Hannibal replies as he grabs one of my brother's arms and kicks the back of his knees, forcing him back.

He tries getting up before Hannibal twists my brother's arm behind him and forcing him onto the ground.

"Did you even try?" Hannibal chuckles as he let's my brother go.

Hannibal looks at me and his facial expression changes.

"I apologize for teaching your arrogant brother a lesson. But, he needed to be taught one way or another."

My brother gets up and tries to swing at him, Hannibal smiling and saying, "You never quit do you?"

Hannibal then turns around and grabs my brother's arm again, twisting it and kicking his knees again.

"Stay down." Hannibal sighed as he looked back at me

At this point, I'm not even trying to help him. He kind of deserves it after all the shit he's put me through. He's not even grateful I saved his life by taking a bullet for him.

"You're assaulting a minor..! It's abuse and you'll definitely be hearing from authorities..!"

Hannibal turns around once again and looks down at my helpless brother, saying, "It's not when they hit you first. I defended myself."

"'Defended' my ass! You wanted this to hap-"

"Woah woah wait what?" Hannibal utters out confused.

"I- I? I, I wanted this- me-? I?!"

Looks like my brother broke Hannibal. Newspapers will be saying, "15 year old causes Hannibal.exe to stop working!" Come on that's pretty funny... LAUGH FOR GOD'S SAKE.

"You're telling me that I?! ME?! Wanted THIS, to happen?! Are you smoking crack? If I remember correctly... YOU wanted this to happen."

Of course, from the boy himself, no response.

Hannibal sighs and looks back at me again, his eyes softening.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I noticed his entire facial expression went from cold and brutal to soft and gentle.

"Yes. Are you?"

I nodded in response.

"Now how about all three of us get out of here. This is not a place to discuss private matters. Perhaps my home?"

My brother gets up and walks in front of me, replying, "Hell no! You abuse me, try flirting with my sister, and you want to kidnap us?! I'll pass you dipshit!"

Hannibal looks square in my brother's eyes and says, "I'm not talking to you, child. You have no say in this."

"Yes I do! My first amendment says so!"

Hannibal walks dangerously close to my brother, looking down at him and saying, "Let me put you in your rightful place. Since you want to argue I put my hands on you as a minor, that means legally you can't make a decision of an adult until you are 18. That means you let the grown adults talk, your sister and I. If you really have a problem with it, you can drive off and I can take (Y/N) myself."

"I'm not leaving my sister with some cannibalistic pussy eating Lithuanian bastard!"

"I don't eat p- Okay let's just skip over that real quick. You, at 15, are cussing and dropping f-bombs all over the place. A literal child."

"I'm not a child! And yeah?! So what?!"

"Well, stupid people use cuss words multiple times a sentence or two because they can't use proper English, since their vocabulary is very short and they can't express themselves. So, if you really think you are smart, think again."

(Guys I swear this is a fact. The internet says it's not but then why do you think parents try their best for children to not say them on a daily basis 😭)

(Also I know plenty of people who are in the IQ of Albert Einstein and they don't cuss at all, or even very little. But cursing is also improper, which is the other reason why it makes someone dumber. Hence I cuss in my stories more than I do at all in front of my parents. But, there's a difference between saying a cuss word every sentence and saying one occasionally in a month or a few times a year.)

"Show me the studies and I'll admit I'm wrong."

"You can't trust the internet." Hannibal responds.

I slowly started to get lightheaded from how tired I was. The sun was starting to set and I was already tired from all that happened today.

Hannibal seemed to notice as he walked over to me, pushing my brother to the side.

"You're not the only one exhausted." Hannibal chuckles before looking at my brother.

"Can we just go..? At this point I feel euphoric and hazed."

"To your home or mine?" Hannibal asks as he gentle grabs my shoulder to stabilize me.

I slowly started to nudge my way into his arms, feeling his strong warm embrace. Hannibal seemed shocked but didn't want to startle me, so he just held me tight.

"Yours.." I responded as I drifted off in Hannibal's arms.

-Yo (Y/N) has a lot of bravery I swear 😭 I could never.

This took me all night to write. It's currently 5:23 in the morning and I've been up all night... Help me and my sleep schedule lol

On a serious note, Hannibal may be the longest story I will write. Hopefully, I can finish the other storylines I've written when I first started writing this book thing.

Pennywise is the most difficult one to figure out, and Dr. Giggles or Leatherface is the easiest... Probably Leatherface.

(EhEheHe the thing is, I have planned the Leatherface one before I even started writing on Wattpad. I'm just taking my sweet old time to antagonize you guys. But trust me, the story will be worth reading... The concept writing I put in my notes made me BAWL. I was crying so much.)

I love you all! See you in the next chapter!



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