Here We go With The Ideas Again

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Okay so, I had an entire story length plan of what I was gonna do in the future. Idek what I said any more. It disappeared, 😭

I know y'all are like, "GIVE ME MORE STORY!" but right now I'm in the "Buffering..." mode.

But, you know "Mall Cop"?  Kevin James? I'm thinking about making a story about that movie, not specifically Paul Blart (Kevin) but, Veck Simms (Keir O'Donnell).

Yes, talk about random and how I have a lot of sudden newsflashes for y'all. Umm but I'm basically making a story about a character from the movie "Mall Cop". Or, at least I'm thinking about it.

BUT! It's my dad's birthday today! So I'll be celebrating and because Christmas is coming up, I think I have some ideas for this month. Maybe. MAYBE.

On that note I gotta go make a cake! Bye y'all thank youuu! I love you all!


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