Dr. Giggles x Female Reader (Chapter Two)

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(Warning: Contains violence, descriptive blood and gore.)

"They call me.. Dr. Giggles." The man said, giggling insanely after.

I held the gun in my hand and tried to aim it at the man's face. Him taking immediate notice, he grabbed my wrist and twisted it, making me scream in pain and drop the gun. He then picked me up and threw me across the room, causing me to knock over everything in the way. We both were unaware that there was a glass object in the way when I was thrown, meaning the glass shattered and impaled my delicate skin, making me scream in pain. Just as soon as the man was going to pick me up again, I heard Magruder yell out the man's name.

"Rendall!" He yelled, aiming the gun at his body while Reitz was trying to get closer to me.

"That was the name of my father you idiots." The man then said before picking me up by the collar of my shirt.

My face was cut and dirty from the glass shards impaling parts of my face. He looked at me and observed my face, seeing all the cuts, dirt, and dust on my face.

"Put her down, Evan Jr." Said Magruder, pointing the gun towards his head.

Reitz stopped walking when Evan took immediate notice of his movements. Reitz held the gun steadily at his head.

"Why can't I have any fun around here?" Evan then said, taking small steps towards the gun I dropped.

He put me down as he quickly grabbed the gun. As soon as he bent over Magruder yelled and pulled the trigger. I saw as Evan fell back against me, making me jump. He started giggling making me question what the hell happened. He stood up and pulled out his watch, showing that the bullet only hit the watch barely touching his skin.

"Now, let's try this again." He said, giggling.

He then aimed and shot at Magruder. His movements were so fast I couldn't even react. Once Magruder fell to the ground with a bullet wound near his chest, Evan looked at Reitz. Reitz looked down at me and back up at Evan.

"I'm so sorry.. both you and Magruder.." He said before running as fast as he could out of the basement.

Magruder was barely alive, hanging on to every breath he had. I crawled over to Magruder as quickly as I could. Evan just stood watching in amusement.

"You have to get out of here (Y/N). Like, right now." Magruder whispered in loss of oxygen.

I watched as Evan tilted his head in amusement while he crossed he legs while standing and put the hand he had the gun in behind his other hand, looking like he was waiting for something to happen.

"What the hell are you waiting for?!" I said, trying not to cry.

"To make your decision. Time is ticking. You have 10 seconds to make your choice."

A decision? Whether I want to stay or leave?!


I want to leave but it's just- I cant leave Magruder here to suffer.


If I do stay I'll die then...


But I want to be here when Magruder does die.


I can't let Magruder stay here with Evan...


Would I rather die beside Magruder..?


Or would I rather escape and save my own life..?


I-I can't leave. I'm not leaving..


"I've made up my mind." I said, shaking in fear.


"I'm staying right here."

"No!" I heard Magruder exclaim.

Evan scrunched his face in annoyance rolling his eyes and saying, "Shut up already."

I then saw Evan shoot Magruder in the chest again, killing him instantly. I screamed in pain and disbelief. Evan then went back into his position, watching me scream and cry in amusement.

"You fucking monster!" I yelled through my cries.

I laid my head against the shoulder of Magruder, crying and hugging him.

"Well, since you said you're staying here," Evan started.

Shit. I forgot I decided to stay.

"You'll be coming with me."

I got up and ran without thinking. I was too scared to look behind me, but I could hear his footsteps getting closer to me, getting faster as I ran faster. I ran up the stairs when I felt my leg pull out from under me, forcing me to fall. I hit my head against the staircase making me groan in pain. I looked back to see Evan pulling me by my leg towards him. Bad move on his part. I kicked him in the face with my free leg, forcing him back. I then got up and ran back up the stairs and out of the house. I started yelling for help, praying someone heard me. I then felt my body become limp from loss of adrenaline. My body hurt and felt tired. One thing I didn't notice that I noticed once I looked down was that there was a huge shard of glass in my lower abdomen. Panicked, I start crying in both pain and disbelief. I started to run downhill when I slipped against the sand mixed with the wet dirt, causing me to tumble down the hill. I landed on my stomach which, of course, pushed the shard of glass deeper into my body, making me scream in pain. I rolled onto my back and I felt my body start to die away. I saw from my blurry vision, someone uphill was walking towards me. I immediately knew it was Evan Jr. I tried to move but I gave up after a few seconds. I then watched as Rendall Jr. looked at me in amusement.

"Are you experiencing any discomfort, miss?" He said a little mockingly as he kneeled beside me.

I tried to speak, but the only thing coming out of my breath was air. I could barely breathe and Evan acknowledged it, opening up his doctor bag he was carrying.

"Now, here's what I'm going to do." Evan started, taking out to what seemed to be an oxygen mask. "I am going to be putting this on your face, and I'm going to take you back home, understand?"

Once he started reaching towards my face I made a small whine in pain and fear. Evan immediately stopped and looked into my eyes. His eyes were definitely not brown like Reitz said he was. Which reminds me, next time I see Reitz I'm going to give him an unforgettable kick in the junk. It took me a few seconds before I realized he put the oxygen mask on me while I was deep into thought.

I then felt a tug of the shard on my abdomen, making me scream and sit up. Evan pushed me back down as he grabbed a needle and some kind of substance. I rolled on my stomach stupidly, pushing the shard even farther into my abdomen. My screaming and cries of pain were enough to make Evan's face to cringe in pain and pity. I started to crawl away when I felt Evan's hand grab my shoulder and roll me over onto my back. He then put the substance into the needle and inserted the needle into my arm. I tried to get up when I felt myself getting sleepier. That's when I realized he used Propofol, a medication used for sleeping during surgeries. I grabbed Evan's wrist, only for his hand to lay on top of mine.

"You're very brave, miss. I applaud you for that." Said Evan as he put all of his tools inside his bag and picked me up.

"Now relax, I'm sure you must be very sleepy." He said giggling a little.

As he started walking my body started to relax and my eyes began to close. Then, everything went blank.

-Part Three Soon-

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