Stu Macher and Billy Loomis x G/N Reader (Chapter One)

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(Chapter contains: Language, mentions of sexual actions)


Also... Stu Macher is my favorite Ghostface. Matthew Lillard is literally the best actor ever... and he's so sweet...

And yes, I'm becoming more in style with my introductions. It's called ✨Maturity✨)

I ran to my locker as I sensed the bell was about to ring.

"Shit shit shit..!" I grumbled out as I unlocked my locker and searched through my stuff.

As I grabbed my notebooks, I shut my locker door to see Stu leaning on the locker next to me.

"Hi." He simply said with his goofy smile.

"...Hi." I replied dryly before moving away from my locker and running toward my class.

Stu followed me, jogging at my pace, "Where ya headed?"

"Class?" I responded.

"Which one?"


"Oh sweet, I'm in lab period too." He responded with another one of his goofy smiles. 

I didn't care to respond, and I continued to dash down the hallway.

"Quit running!" Yelled one of the teachers, "Detention!"

I groan, "Right now?!"

Stu watched for a moment before running past me like a lunatic.

"DETENTION FOR YOU TO MR. MACHER!" The teacher yelled out down the hall as Stu groaned, stopping.

"Seriouslyy? I need to get to class! So does (Y/N)!"

"Don't care! Detention! Now!" The teacher yelled.

I stared at Stu as he started to get dramatic before huffing and walking toward the principal's office, "My mom's gonna kill me!"

I roll my eyes and started following Stu to the principal's office, completely irritated by the fact I'm going to be missing my favorite class. (Y/N is a nerd in this, tsk OKEH? Okeh :D)

Once I got through the door I heard Stu jump out from behind the door and try to spook me. My first instinct was to hit him, and that's exactly what I did. I smacked him straight in the face as a fight or flight response, making him squeak and hold his face.

"Owwwwhhaa!" He whined before pouting and sitting down on one of the few sets of chairs.

I rolled my eyes, "Well don't jump out at me next time. I will hit you."

I then sit down two seats away from him, and I wait for the counselor to walk into his office (I have no idea what detention is like. I've never gone lmao).

Stu was fiddling with his fingers for a while, picking at his nails before leaning over and saying, "You're a buzzkill."

I sat quietly, trying to process what he just said to me. He interrupted my time alone and he's calling me a buzzkill?

"I'm sorry? I don't remember asking for you to come over and fuck up my personal time at the locker. If you wouldn't have approached me, I wouldn't have been late!" I cross my arms angrily.

Stu gave me the puppy eyes he always gave me when he wanted something, and he got up from his chair, sitting on his knees right in front of me, almost begging, "I'm sorryyy... Please accept my apology!"

Sure enough, before I was going to speak, Stu's friend Billy walked annoyed, throwing down his backpack and sitting down, looking over at us, "The hell are you two looking at- Actually, scratch that, the hell are you two doing?!"

Stu looked at Billy like he was just interrupting a game, and he groaned, "Ugh! Of course YOU have to come in here before (Y/N) was going to accept my apology!"

Billy looked at Stu suspiciously, "It did not look like you were trying to apologize to them.. Stu. Just look where your head is."

Stu looked in front of himself to see my crotch right near his face, and he looked up at me to see me completely embarrassed and horrified.

"OH!" Stu instantly fell back onto his butt, blushing in embarrassment.

Billy rolled his eyes and said, "At least take them out on a date first."

I instantly hollered, "BILLY SHUT UP!"

I then sat up straight, covering my crotch as I gave an awkward look. Billy and Stu noticed how I was trying to cover up, and they shook their heads in shocking sync.

"Of course. Stu, look what you did to them." Billy looked at Stu, giving a somewhat jealous look.

Stu cleared his throat and quickly unwrapped his jacket from his waist, and handed it to me, "Here... I'm sorry, dude."

I nodded slowly, still blushing from the embarrassment, and I took his jacket, putting it over my crotch. Billy just stared at me, crossing his arms and giving me that look. If I ever knew that look that he gives when something's pissing him off, it'd be THAT look. I just looked down and sighed, shaking my head in slight impatience.

"Alright, where is the counselor?"

"Talking to the teacher on the other side of the school. I saw him flirting with Mrs. Mitz."

My eyes widened, "Noo, really?! Mrs. Mitz?! Isn't she married?!"

Stu nodded, "Yeah dude, she is!"

I started snickering, loving the drama going on. I shook my head a little and laughed the more I thought about it.

"An old, creepy guy flirting with the moody, taken granny? Damn, I didn't know they both swing like that."

Stu laughed a little and he looked over at Billy, to which he shrugged a little. He then sat down, staying quiet and watching me carefully. The awkward silence was enough to make us all cringe. Stu went to wrap his arms around me to hug me, but Billy instantly spoke up with a venom in his voice.

"(Y/N), come here. Please." 

It wasn't a request. It was a demand disguised as a request.

I slowly walked over to him, his eyes watching me. He looked me up and down before grabbing the jacket Stu gave me, and threw it at his face before grabbing my waist and pulling me to sit on his lap, making me squeal. I sat right down, and I blushed in embarrassment, staying completely quiet and tensed.

"Relax, (Y/N), I won't bite. I just want to try something my friend said works in most friendships."

Billy wrapped his arms around my waist, and buried his face into the side of my neck, grunting exhaustedly before mumbling into my neck, "I'm tired... Of everything."

Stu was still processing what happened, but when he saw the fact Billy was taking me away, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Hey... That's not nice dude. I was going to hug them..."

Billy grunted again, holding me closer, "You snooze you lose. Try again later."

Stu looked angry now, and he just pouted, crossing his arms and looking off, huffing.

I started to connect a few dots, one with Stu constantly trying to talk to me, and Billy always touching me.

I think they both like me, and they're competing for who'll get me.

(I cannot believe this took me MONTHS to finish. All because I was 1, lazy, 2, overworked with... well, work, and 3, busy with my volunteer hours.)

(I hope you enjoyed this SHITTY chapter, I promise to make it better in the next chapter.)

(I will be catching up on all the requests, don't worry. I promise to work on them more often. I've gotten rid of some distractions in my life, and I'm now dead set on work, my courses, and this. Thank you for being patient.)

(P.S: The amount of comments I've had for Dr. Giggles and other stories are insane. Thank you so much for your support... It really means a lot, especially knowing I'm not the only one who likes unique killers... It really does mean a lot. I cannot stress it enough. Just... Thank you. For everything.)


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