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Helloo! I am back and ready to write more stories! I have thought about some things and realized a step away from a relationship isn't always bad.


I've done some more research and a part of me dislikes Monty, but only because of some stuff I read.

Here's my thoughts on the Hewitt and Sawyer family:

Thomas Hewitt: Man with goals, only wants to protect his family, and I like his surprising intelligence. 10/10

Luda May Hewitt: Definitely see her as a mother figure, mature, and seems like a more protective, softer woman. I love her period. 10/10

Monty Hewitt: From the information I searched he seems to be a bit creepy. But he seems serious and sarcastic, only by his looks. I don't know his actual personality and I'm currently too lazy to check. 5/10

Charlie Hewitt: Instantly hate. He's an idiot and just terrible. I don't like him at all. I don't care what anyone says, what his peabrain did to Monty is unforgivable. 1/10

Bubba Sawyer: Absolutely adorable. He's very protective but can definitely give signs of how he's feeling or what he wants to say. 10/10

Tex Sawyer: I don't know much about him, but he seems like a "Sassy" country man. He seems cool though. 7/10

Nubbins Sawyer: ...Idk how to feel about him. He's an odd one, but aren't they all lol. I say he's alright, but he's not someone I'd absolutely die for. 6/10

Chop Top (Robert) Sawyer: Hell yeah. If we're talking about the smart and energetic weirdo, yes. I love him, everything about him pops. 9/10

Grandma/Grandpa Sawyer: Idk anything about them. Not much is told about them. 2/10

Drayton Sawyer: Interesting character. Seems oddly nice but also neurotic in a sense. I like him though. 7/10

"The Tea Lady": She seems like an oddly sweet person. However, she also seems like the one to be easily pissed off. Nothing is really known about her.  5/10

Henrietta Hewitt: Nah. I don't know how to feel about her. She's a sneaky woman. I don't really care for her much. 3/10

Jedidiah Hewitt: NO CLUE. A kid who seems to act like a... animal??? idk. 3/10

Those are all the members I know so far. 

But I am back! Better than ever too!

I'll post a new chapter of Leatherface VERY SOON!

See you guys later! Have a wonderful day!



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