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You scowl as a bead of sweat rolls down the side of your face. Wearing pants as a fashion choice was great but in this intense heat it was practically unbearable. The umbrella initially looked stupid, but not only does it protect you from the sun, but also shields the rays of light from shining right in your eyes, as you also forgot to bring sunglasses.

"God I fucking hate this bipolar ass weather" Y/N said

Back when you were a kid, the walk from the bus stop to your grandparents home seemed much shorter, but with this burning heat it felt like an eternity.

"Why did they live so far in this remote area?" Y/N mumbles.

Either way, you are finally able to spot it at the beginning of the large mansion in the distance. Just the thought of finally throwing of your backpack and taking a shower lets you walk a bit quicker but your backpack and umbrella holds you back from full on sprinting.

Just before reaching the door, you begin to sort through the keys, trying to find the key with the red rubber around it, which is distinctive from all 20+ keys the mansion has.


"God grandma, this mansion has way too many keys" I chuckled

I finally open the door after struggling to open the old door. After I closed the door a sigh of relief washes over me as the cold air conditioned mansion washes away the fatigue.

A/N: Playing the song while reading the story will make it 10x times better

Taking a deep breath, you take in the smell of this place. It still has not changed since you visited the last time.

"How many years has it been" I softly smiled at the familiar quiet home.

A little wave of nostalgia hits you, the smell of the countryside, the lake, grandma's cooking, all hits you at the same time almost causing a tear in your eyes.

"God when did I become such a softy" I chuckled.

I take off my shoes near the entrance, as its tradition to not use shoes indoors but instead flippers. I remove any dust and dirt that has gotten on me on my trip to the mansion, hang the umbrella onto the hooks.

My grandma hasn't been here in years, so I head towards the basement and turn on the electricity and water switches.

*Brrrr Brrrr*

I hear the generators turning and the lights to the mansion light up filling the empty quiet home with life once again.

Like any child, you full sprinted out of the basement once your turn off the lights

"Only a psycho would walk out of the basement when they turn off the lights" I panted

I reached the bathroom and took a quick look in the mirror

"God my hairs a mess" I remarked

Your eyes full of emptiness and depression. You close your eyes for a second.

*Sudden Flashback*

"C'mom sweety we're almost at the lake!" A woman smiled as a child version of you is running with her

"Mama! Wait for me!" You screamed happily but soon panic

"Mama wait!" As your mother fades farther and farther from your reach.

My eyes suddenly open as I looked in the mirror and my eyes full of tears. I rub my face and head towards the shower. The cold jolts of water splashes against your neck like the rain storms that plague this area a lot

"Ma..." I sadly murmured.

Popstars Getaway (K/DA Ahri x Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora