Her threat didn't sit well with me and I was ready to fight her but she was drunk and not in the best of states. As mom repeatedly advised me over the last couple of weeks, I needed to be patient and keep calm. I took a deep breath and silently drove. 

Once we reached, Mila hastily undid her seatbelt and unlocked the doors. She got out of the car before I comprehended our surroundings. 

"Mila," I rushed after her. I gripped her arm before she stumbled over her own feet. "Slow down, you're going to hurt yourself."

She squirmed in my hold, but I refused to let go. "I'm fine. Thanks for the ride but don't make it a habit."

"Are you going to fight me on this too?"

"I'm not fighting you on anything." She tried to pull my hand off finger by finger. "I'm tired and want to go to bed but you're not letting go."

"Let me take you upstairs and then I'll leave."

She glared. "It doesn't work that way anymore. You said we're over, remember? You can't take me upstairs or whatever."

My patience slipped by the minute. "This isn't about being together or not. It's humanly courteous to make sure you get home safe."

Anger flashed in her eyes, and she managed to push my hand off. "Take your human courtesy and shove it up your tiny little dick hole!" Mila shoved past me and stumbled toward the elevator. 

I took quick strides and caught up to her. Just as she was about to press for the elevator, I beat her to it and held her arm. She saw red and opened her mouth to probably shout as many profanities as she knew but I put up a finger and shut her up. 

"I can be just as stubborn as you."

"I don't want your help!"

"Too bad, you're getting it whether you like it or not."

"Tonto del culo," Mila muttered under her breath, among other Spanish words I didn't catch as we stood in the elevator. 

"You can let go of me now," Mila insisted and twisted her arm.

I supposed I was so used to holding and touching her, I hadn't realized I still held her arm. I stared into her big blue eyes that I loved so much. "I'm still me. You don't have to resist that much. I'm only trying to help."

Mila looked at me squarely. "Yes, you're still you, I'm still me but we are no longer us." Stunned and hurt by her words, my grip loosened, and she slipped away. 

Silence lingered between us for a long moment until I noticed how restless Mila suddenly got. She rubbed over her forehead, gulped, and licked her lips multiple times. I grew a little concerned as she looked more and more uneasy. 

"Oye!" She looked up and exclaimed. "¿Cuánto tiempo más?"

"What's wrong?"

"Why is this damn thing taking so long?"

"I know you want to get rid of me but calm down. Are you alright?"

Mila took a breath and looked a little pale. She shook her head. "I don't think so."

Worried, I stepped closer and gently held her face. I combed hair that seemed to bother her out of her face and made her look up. "What's wrong?"

Mila barely looked at me and shook her head. "I wouldn't stand so close if I were you."

I didn't understand what she meant. "Stop talking in riddles and tell me stra..." I trailed off and it hit me. Mila looked like she was about to be sick. 

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