The Huntress Meeting Your Parents

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She's super nervous and she doesn't even know why

The first thing she says to them is, "Hello, parents."(She has absolutely zero social skills)

Part way through a conversation she will randomly bring up that she brought a gift for them, the gift being a large basket of berries and very poorly made pastries that definitely were cooked too much.

If you try to initiate any sort of PDA she will freak out and will not know how to react whatsoever

Will try to make very strange and niche jokes about hunting and living in a cabin that will make your parents awkwardly laugh

She also ends up really enjoying one of the desserts your parents make and gets too excited and eats way too many of them

At the end of the night, you and Anna got ready to leave, and as you were about to walk out the door; your parents told you that they would love to see Anna again and that she was a very nice girl for you. They both smile and give you a hug before waving you off with a container full of the desserts Anna liked. 

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