Danny Johnson Fluff headcanons

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Beauty- what do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?

Danny admires that his s/o is brave enough to be in a relationship with him*big scary slasher man energy intensifies*. You're also the only person he trusts and cares about. That doesn't mean he won't kill you if you try to leave him though.

Danny thinks that your eyes and hands are your most beautiful features. Your eyes express many emotions that words can't explain and he's heard thousands of people talk, but none of that matters as long as he can look at your eyes when they light up and when they darken. He loves your hands for similar reasons they express your emotions and he knows how useful hands are, he uses his to kill people, so he enjoys looking at hands that aren't stained with blood and dirt.

Dreams- How do they picture their future with their s/o?

Danny pictures a domestic life believe it or not he sometimes wonders what life would be like if he didn't kill people if he just had a normal job with normal hours and how he would come home to a warm dinner and a partner that would ask about his day and not how his latest kill was and only button-up shirts would be in his closet instead of a bloodied cloak and a screaming ghost mask on his desk.

Fight- Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?

(This can go from 0 to 100 in angst real quick)

Depending on the situation Danny would take different actions. If you tried to leave him he would find you, knock you out using either the hilt of his knife or choking you till you pass out. You will most likely wake up chained to his bedpost you won't be leaving anytime soon. If it was just a little fight he might leave to go kill someone cool off don't try to stop him or follow him. I doubt you would do this but if you ratted him out to the cops he would never forgive you and give you a slow and painful death he would be pissed and very emotional.

Danny will mostly fight verbally or physically as you just read it doesn't go well either way. Though he will never cut you unless you want him to or draw his knife out on you. In verbal fights anything he says he doesn't mean and hopes you know that.

Kiss- Are they good kissers? What was the first kiss like?

Of course, Danny's a good kisser he's had A LOT of practice so don't put your expectations too low. He will make sure that when he kisses you it's amazing and don't tell him that because he will bring it up every chance he gets and it'll boost his ego way too high.

The first kiss you shared with Danny was after your first date with him. He did make the first move but either way, the kiss was amazing and you might even dare say the best kiss you ever had with someone.

Marriage- Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?

Danny has never thought about getting married since he's never been close enough to someone for that to matter, but it's not a foreign concept to him he knows that it's a way of showing love and getting closer to someone.

He proposed to you when you two were having a movie and date night. He had planned this for months and he felt like it was the right time to do this. He wants you to know that he appreciates you and that he wants to take the relationship a step further. Though this would only happen if he truly trusted you.

Once you two are married not much would change since he already loved you before he asked you to marry him. He will now refer to you as his wife and will show off his ring to make it clear he's taken.

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