The Slashers and hellboy with a clingy/overly-affectionate s/o

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Michael Myers

Freezes on the spot

Is confused and doesn't understand what you're doing

He might even leave because of how overwhelmed he feels(Don't blame him though he's just not used to this)

I would recommend letting him know that you're going to touch him though because if you don't and he's caught off guard he might result to violence

Overtime he grows to enjoy your clingy-ness


ABSOLUTRELY LOVES IT, but he won't tell you to your face

Plays it off by teasing you for being clingy

Refuses to let go of you for the rest of the day, you will 100% be stuck even if you have plans

Likes to cuddle and watch old movies with you<3

Let's hope you like cats because they will definitely come over and lay with you.


They both love it

And depending at what point of the relationship you're at with them will effect Billy's vulnerability

But when you do get to "that" point in the relationship they like to sandwich you in-between them and watch horror movies (or spooning)

Stu is also just as clingy btw!

Slasher Headcannons and OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora