Slashers & DBD Killers trying a monster

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Stu Macher

At almost every party he's at he gets dared to shotgun multiple of them in a row.He's probably snorted a monster before too.favorite flavor is the original or pacific punch.

Billy Loomis

Has shotgun contests with Stu to see who can finish them faster.He either likes the gold monster or the original. Or he drinks Java and thinks he's cool because of it.

Frank Morrison

Can drink multiple of them a day and somehow be perfectly fine.He collects the tabs from the cans and makes chains out of them.He doesn't have a favorite flavor he just drinks whatever's available.

Danny Johnson/Jed Olsen

Has probably tried all the monster flavors.Drinks pipeline punch and ultra paradise.He's definitely made battery acid before.

Hannibal Lecter

Says it's too sweet and artificial.Doesn't like any of them.But he will tell you how bad energy drinks are for your health.

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