How the slasher met their s/o Pt.2 Finale

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Once again you were on your way to work the idea of being alone this Halloween flooded back into your head and it was worse now because Halloween was next week and your friends had invited you to go to a party with them. Two of them were married and your other friend had a boyfriend and you couldn't stand having to be the only one that didn't have a partner.

So you told them that you couldn't go to the party because of your job. Which wasn't a complete lie because you asked one of the office workers if there was a way you could have an extra shift on Halloween. All of the people in the office immediately looked at you like you were an idiot. One of them said that there was an extra shift but it was for Michael Myers. You agreed only because you knew thought that if you didn't annoy him or get in his way you would be fine.


It was the day of Halloween, you woke up early hoping that maybe this would start a good streak for the day. You got out of bed, took a shower, picked out one of your favorite sweaters and made some breakfast. Since you had extra time before work started you put out a candy bowl and turned the front porch light on. You left your house closed the front door behind you and got in your car. When you turned on the engine, the chilly weather outside coming to your attention as it nipped at your cheeks and your nose. As you waited for your car to heat up you noticed that the seat next to you had an extra bag of candy so you thought "Guess I can bring the extra bag to work."


As you entered the building the scent of Lysol and Windex overpowered your sense of smell almost making you choke. You went down the eerily quiet hallways that lead you to the office. Where you were going to pick up the keys to the cells you were going to and your schedule.

You picked up the sheet of paper labelled "schedule" and the two words that stood out to you the most were "Michael Myers". You had forgotten you signed up to be Michael's nurse for today. "Why did I have to pick him as my patient, WHY couldn't I just pick one of the more predictable patients?" Maybe you could switch your patient for another one? "No, I don't wanna make a fuss, let's just get through the day." You thought.

While in deep thought you remembered hearing from one of the nurses that Michael has a sweet tooth. So you put some of the candy in your pocket, so you could give him some and maybe get in his good graces at the same time.

Opening the door to Michaels cell you quietly introduced yourself letting him know it was you and that you were his nurse today. He didn't seem to react but from behind the mask he had a thin smile tugging at his lips. Even though it was only for a brief moment he kept wondering why he did that. He had never talked to you or even be in the same room as you so why did you mean so much to him? He wondered if killing you would get rid of this feeling, but decided against it as you might be of some use to him.

As he wondered about this new emotion he was feeling you did a room search and placed his breakfast tray on his desk taking the one from last night. Michael was pushed out of thought as you announced that you were leaving now, he didn't want you to leave just yet whether it was that he enjoyed your company or that he needed to learn more about this feeling and how to get rid of it, it didn't matter you weren't leaving just yet.

Before you could reach the door he grabbed you arm and tugged slightly, you turn around saying "Michael let g-." You were cut off by a firm and raspy voice "Stay". You nodded and he pulled you towards an empty chair that was next to his desk. Then you remembered that you had some candy to give Michael, so you nervously say his name getting his attention as you pulled out 3 pieces of candy silently offering them to him. He grabbed them from your hand, his eyes never leaving yours as he pulled away.

The thoughts that swelled in your head were all wondering if he would kill you. Maybe he was just waiting. No he would have killed you by now, right? You didn't know and that didn't help your fear that was slowly growing as time went on.

While you sat next to Michael you watched him make a mask it was a dark shade of green, that felt as though it matched the sanitariums blank look. Though you didn't realize that you were late for your break. So you quietly excused yourself and told Michael you had to go, and to your surprise he let you go, was this mercy? Or was he just building up suspense. You didn't know but you racked your brain for the answer. It felt as though you would never know.


After your afternoon break you checked on Michael for the evening before going home. Everything went perfectly he cooperated and before you knew it you were heading to your car.

In a way you were excited to go home and watch scary movies and hand out candy. The more you think about it the more depressing it sounds. So instead you wonder what scary movies you would watch, you've managed to watch most of your collection, so maybe you could go out to the store and buy a couple of movies and some popcorn.


When you arrived home you turned the lights on around your house, set your bag down and went to go take a shower. While in the shower you failed to hear your phone ring. As you hopped out of the shower grabbing your towel you noticed that you received a voicemail. It was from Dr. Loomis, that was strange you and Loomis were not well acquainted and you hoped it would stay that way, but the message earned a gasp from you as you were informed that Michael Myer's had escaped containment while being escorted to a facility farther away.

A wave of fear washed over you, was he going to kill you now that he had escaped? You didn't risk finding out so you locked all your windows and doors hoping that this would at least stop him. You didn't bother turning off your lights because you knew that if he was coming for you, the lights on or off wouldn't change that.


A couple hours past and you started to calm down thinking that he might already be in Haddonfield and that he had forgotten all about you. So you went to go get a glass of water from your kitchen, you got a cup and filled it almost to the brim.

As you turned around and started walking, you walked in a solid figure. You looked up and saw the all too familiar white mask that was connected to the solid figure you walked into.

You started walking backwards and almost dropping the glass in your hand.

Michael took 2 long strides instantly closing the distance between you and him. He gripped your shoulder in an iron grasp, while with his other hand he reached into his pocket grabbing something. You expected it to be a knife to feel the burn or the blade going through you. You closed your eyes expecting death, you were helpless, but the burn never came instead he shook your shoulder getting you too open your eyes were he grabbed yanked your hand. Opening it and handing you the candy wrappers from earlier and a piece of jewelry.

A ring that had dried blood splotched on it but even so it was a beautiful ring.

Maybe you wouldn't be alone this Halloween...

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