Domestic Slashers Hcs

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Michael Myers

Follows you around the house and bothers you to gain your attention

Loves watching you cook

Leaves you gifts on your window sill, usually rocks or clothing he thinks you'll like.

Struggles with showing affection but as your relationship progresses he gets more and more affectionate, though usually he shows the most affection when both of you are asleep and he's holding you against him tightly

Hannibal Lecter

Takes you out once a week to go to operas, outfit shopping, or just anywhere that allows him to spoil you

Secretly wants to do a painting or drawing of you

Wants to bring you to Florence some day, so you can see where he grew up

Talks to you whenever he cooks and likes to teach you how to cook

Bo Sinclair

Likes it when you visit him while he's working at the gas station

On valentine's day he made you a statue out of the extra scrap metal he had and took you to a restaurant in the next town over.

Has a bunch of band merch and posters in his room and will 100% want you to listen to the music he has.

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