The slashers watching movies with their s/o

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Michael Myers(OG)

If he's tired then usually he'll let you watch whatever you want, So unless he's tired he won't really want to watch your movies

You may have to persuade him with food

Acts as though he hates it but he secretly loves it

Likes to watch the movie while having you sit in his lap

Michael Myers(RZ)

Loves watching movies with you since it gives him a chance to show that he cares about you

Prefers horror movies and romance movies

Wants to cuddle with you but doesn't know how to ask so you'll have to be the one to initiate it

Brahms Heelshire

Talks through the whole movie

Clings to you the whole time and refuses to let you go

Has a low attention span so you'll have to hold him in place or he'll fidget

Otis Driftwood

YES. He is overjoyed as soon as you offer to watch a movie with him!

Strictly watches horror movies and nothing else

Flirts with you at the most awkward of times while watching the movie

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