Chapter 14

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Okay so I know it has been a while so please forgive me! I had a very bad case of writers block and he person who was helping write this... well hasn't!

The chapter is gonna be sucky because, well.. i didn't know what to write.


In the last chapter Trey's sister got hit by a car! Well i changed that, instead she had a stroke.

Please enjoy this chapter and Vote... if you want to and Become a fan if you want. I would realy enjoy comment because I really have no idea what direction this book should go in....

okay so without further...



I turn to Trey and just look at him. He was watching me and heard all of the voicemails.

"He's dead..." I say in practically a whisper. My new little brother is dead.

I send Michael a text:

To: Michael

9:25 am

I got the vm b4 the txt...

is he really?


Chapter 14: Trey

I dropped Evelyn back at her house after sitting for an hour or so more. It's around 7am and by now everyone at my house will be home. Everyone except my sister.

I start driving towards my house, but I take a turn that leads me to the highway. Driving alone at night lets me sit and think.

My sister had died yesterday. I got to the hospital just in time to see her die. Me, being myself, ran from the room into the hall. That's where I found Evelyn.

I don't know why she was at the hospital, but I suppose it has something to do with her mother. She had said "He's dead..." I'm not sure who he is, but she sounded really upset by it.

Lost in my thoughts I don't realize that I had drifted into the other lane till I see the bright head lights of a sixteen-wheeler. A crash sounds and I tumble with my car.

The roof went in when the car was rolling and the door came off. My arm is numb and I feel a sticky substance all over me.

My head throbs and my vision goes black. I lose conscious.

I wake up to hear a siren on my left, nothing on my right.

I raise my hand only to find it not responding to my will. Nothing but my eyes can move. I see the sixteen-wheeler standing up with a dent in the front but other that in good condition. On the other hand, I see peices of broken car leading to a frame of a car surrounding me. A red substance covers the car.

What is it? My blood.

Two things catch my eye in the rumble.

One, my sister's CD.

Two, the necklace Evelyn was wearing.

I want to feel tears come to my eyes, but I am losing feeling. My vision flickers and I think I see a lady walk up to me.

I feel myself getting dizzy, and then lose conscious again.

I wake once more to see people sticking needles in my arms. Feeling claustrophobic I raise my hands to push them away, but my arms don't respond. I sit confused while they continue to stick me. Now I realize something else was different; I didn't feel the needles being stuck into my skin.

That's strange considering a few of the needles are the size my pinky finger.

I start looking around and find I am in an ambulance. I try to move anything besides my neck and face and find it impossible.

After laying there for at least 30 more minutes, one of the doctors notice I am awake. She looks at me sad and that's the last thing I see before I pass out again.


I know its short ocnsidering i havent upaoded in forever on this book, buti really have to be in the mood to write certain books! Im working on the next chapter as you read!!! :)

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