“There’s no need for such rude manners, Martin. Can’t you take a joke?”
He gave her a sideways stare, then ignored her.
“Jesus. Not she’s your girlfriend and you’re already fucking chivalrous.” Savitri muttered irritatedly under her breath. Her eyes turned soft. “Okay. For the sake of peace, she is not a prude. Just a person of high moral standards…as you say. Live a little, Martin.”

The edges of his lips quirked at that. “I do. More than you do yourself.”

She chuckled. “Sincerely, I doubt that. I’m headed towards the lowest level of scapegrace, I’m afraid.”

He nodded. “I wish you luck with everything.”

“You can also choose to sit here and be tardy to the meeting you have in fifteen minutes and incur the lethal glares from the old fucks running this place.”

Martin grinned. “Your uncle is part of those old fucks.”

“He’s not my favorite, my dear uncle Claudine.”

“You know he hates when you call him that.”

“Well, he isn’t here.” She replied flippantly. “You will stay at Maman’s today, yes?”

“I think so.” He shrugged. “Depends.”

“Good. I’ll tell her I’m going to be late tonight.”

Savitri kissed him on the cheek then opened the door and stepped out of the car, her queer eyes glowing with perpetual mischief. “Good luck on winning Lydia. Ciao.” And like that she was gone like the wind.

Martin glanced at his watch and saw that he had nothing less than ten minutes before the meeting started. Even as he currently exited the elevator and was been handed the documents by his secretary without entering his office, he had still been three minutes late, which was forgivable.

“Mr. Sagar. You are three minutes late.” A man announced stiffly.

“Accept my apologies, sir. I got held up on a small matter.” Martin replied keeping the dryness away from his throat, and accepted a black folder from a young man whose name he didn’t know.

“Let’s hope such tardiness won’t repeat itself.”

Martin dragged his gaze from the folder he held and pinned his uncle Claude a gimlet stare without a word. He wasn’t the most loved by all his nephews and nieces. It was like he took sadistic pleasure knowing that his mere presence created enough unpleasantness of its own.

The young man who distributed the reports began the presentation and Martin’s mind began to wander to the woman with a temperament he found endearingly irritating – blowing hot, warm, and frigid all at once.
He would have agreed with his sister that she was a prude had he not seen the secret fire behind those dark eyes. A deal was a deal. Even if the thought alone made his skin itch. He will have to find a way to get over this.


“Toran? Brennan wants you in his office.” Antonietta called to  him. Toran nodded but remained where he was.

Lydia glanced at him with a small frown. “What are you still doing here? Do you know why he is calling you?”

“I do. I’m not going.”


He picked a piece of lettuce, about to answer when Brennan’s secretary – Lia – walked up to them and tapped him lightly on the shoulder. He looked over his shoulder to stare at her.

“Mr. Rox wants you immediately in his office.”

Toran returned his gaze to the leaf he held and chewed. “I’m not coming.”

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