Phase Two: 2 :: Chapter: 17

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*Everyone started talking to the baby. When that poor little bean wasn't able to understand a bit. Yoongi is sitting with the baby in his arms. Taehee on one side and Jungkook came on the other.*

Taehee: dad this is my baby right.

Jungkook: no, this is my baby.

Taehee: Oye, my parents brought my baby.

Jungkook: no. This is my baby my uncle and aunty brought him.

Taehee: He is mine.

Jungkook: he is mine.

*Listening to their loud noise, the baby starts crying*

Yoongi: see baby is crying you both were speaking so loudly...

Taehee: see he is afraid of you Jungkook.

Jungkook: Nope because of you.

Yoongi: sushhh both of you. Taehee, what is this way of talking.?And Jungkook you are an elder aren't you?

Taehee: sorry dad.

Jungkook: sorry uncle.

Yoongi: Say sorry to each other, not to me.

Jungkook: I am not saying sorry to this fat girl.. {oye Jungkookie don't call her fatty that can cause you problem in the future}

Taehee: I don't even want to say sorry.

Yoongi: Now if you both don't say sorry to each other I won't let you both meet the baby.

Jungkook & Taehee: sorry.

Yoongi: good.

Jungkook murmurs: fatty.

Taehee murmurs: bunny.

*Yoongi smiles at both idiotic behavior, he rocks baby here and there so he can calm down and made him sleep. And gave him to the nurses for vaccination. The fight between Taehee and Jungkook was still on.*

Taehee: bunny.

Jungkook: fatty.

Taehee: frog

Jungkook: lizard

Taehee: eeewww dad see he called me licard

Jungkook: it's lizard not licard.

Dina: Jungkookie why did you say this to Taehee.

Jungkook: first she calls me a frog.

Dina: Taehee why did you say this.?

Taehee: he called me fat.

Dina: Jungkook.

Jungkook: she called me..bunny..

Dina: Taehee.

Taehee: sorry.

Jungkook: it's ok.

Dina: good. Now no more fights.

*That's when the nurse came and told them that the patient is fine, and now they can meet her. Now everyone sends the Yoongi by force. He goes to Y/n and Holds her hand slowly.*

Yoongi: are you okay?

Y/n: hmm.

Yoongi: what happened?

Y/n (low tone): nothing.


Y/n: nothing.. just Weakness

Yoongi: Y/n thank you so much.

Y/n: for what??

Yoongi: for Such a lovely gift.

Devotional Love [MYG]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon