Chapter 10

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Next Day,

Yoongi reaches at exactly 7 am on the gate, after 5 minutes of wait he sees Y/n coming towards him.....

"Wow Yoongi, the girl you dreamed of talking to is going sit behind your bike... Not bad dude" Yoongi's heart to him.

Y/n: hey, Good Morning.

Yoongi: Gud Morning...
*Both smile at each other like stupids*

Yoongi: Sit down now

Y/n: ok

*Finally, Y/n sits on a bike with Yoongi, Yoongi wanted to live his life in these few minutes... He never wanted to go beyond this moment*

Yoongi: So, definitely we should go to school?? I mean you can still think...

Y/n: *Smile* Stupid, to school straight.

Yoongi: Should this be locked??

Y/n: yeah.. *Smile*
*Both become silent for 2 min*

Y/n: Do you know that after 4 or 5 days, it's going to holidays in school
(Maybe he will move forward quickly thinking this)

Yoongi: Yes I know, and I have pre-board exams after holidays
(why do you remind me again and again, that I have to separate from you... I have to go away from you)

Y/n: Drive a little faster, have to reach school today...

Yoongi: (Let me drive slow, I will get more time with you then ) ok mam

Y/n: So what is your planning ahead??
(Do you even think about us or not)

Yoongi: Just study and study
(only you are my stubbornness now, I will gonna get you at anyhow)

*ops, they reach to school... Y/n asks to stop the Yoongi before entering the school gate.*

Y/n: If we go inside together, everyone will doubt us.
(I don't want anyone to point a finger at you because of me)

Yoongi: As you feel good
(one day I will take you in front of the people of this world... It's a promise)

Y/n: by

Yoongi: If I get time in lunch break then we will meet

Y/n: ok

Yoongi: by.


Both of them don't tell anyone that they came to school together.
After this Yoongi comes in front of Y/n's classroom

He sees Y/n busy with her friends so he leaves.

In the assembly ground,
both look at each other and smile and bow down together. After this, both of them have lunch on their busy timetable day... Y/n's eyes are only looking for Yoongi in the whole ground,, Actually, the special feeling she gets whenever she is with Yoongi, she has never felt so special before, and till now she didn't understand why she likes Yoongi's company so much.

Lunch is 30 minutes in total. Y/n was just waiting for the Yoongi to be seen.

Dina ( Y/n's friend): whom are you searching for??

Y/n: Not for anyone.

Dina: What do you think, whatever is going on, does no one know...

Y/n: means??

Dina: Means this mam ...oh Yoongi is coming, turn back and look.

* Y/n turns back without wasting time on listening to this, and see Yoongi was with his friends*

Devotional Love [MYG]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें