Chapter 25

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*Y/n is still hugging Yoongi while crying Yoongi comes near Y/n's ears and whisper *

Yoongi: I don't need to breathe for living anymore, I only want you.

*Y/n smiles while still crying*

Yoongi: now stop crying, everyone is watching us, you are not that weak, and I promise you that this is the last time you are crying from now on you are only going to smile and blush now stop crying.

*every couple present in the restaurant also got emotional by seeing their emotional proposal and their love. The love they used to see in movies, today they witness with their eyes, Y/n's whole life is stopped in Yoongi's hug, and everyone in the restaurant stands at their place and cheers for Y/n and Yoongi's new relationship. Y/n breaks the hug and cleans her face with a tissue, Yoongi holds Y/n's hand, and Y/n turn towards yoongi *

Yoongi: Don't worry, I hold your hand for forever being,, I'll keep my promise till my last breath.

Y/n: I trust you.

*Everyone congrats them and then they return to their table*

Yoongi: So mam you are now officially Min Yoongi's Girlfriend,, what to say??... Are you ready to step on to a new life??

Y/n: Of course yes, if you are with me I don't have to think about saying yes.

Yoongi: shall we go then?

Y/n: I don't want to.

Yoongi: why??

Y/n: I just wanna be with you.

Yoongi: okay then let's get married.

Y/n: okay let's go.

Yoongi: hahaha are you crazy? You have to complete your parent's dreams and I have to be this ability that whatever the thing u lay your hand I can buy u that.

Y/n: hmmm

Yoongi: Now get up babe.

*Both exit the cafe and sat on the bike Y/n hug Yoongi this time tighter than before *

Y/n: Yoongi I love you.

Yoongi: what happens with you.

Y/n: I just, it's no one love me this much till now.

Yoongi: I didn't even show you my whole love for you, It's just a trailer and yeah call your Oppa

Y/n: yeah I'm calling.

*Y/n calls her Oppa and within 5 min her Oppa come to get her when Y/n/B come Yoongi stood a little far from her from where he can see her after she left Yoongi also left for his home*


*After both Reached home*

Yoongi: Hii.

Y/n: Yes love.

Yoongi: Ahem ahem, Yes to love huh

Y/n: when I leave the house in the morning our relationship was different and now that I reached home our relationship is different now.

Yoongi: Our bike ride in the rain was kind of filmy.

Y/n: I don't understand if you planned everything or if it's just happened.

Yoongi: I do Little work other U can day Destiny did it.

Y/n: I love you Yoongi.

Yoongi: I love you too.

Y/n: when I reached home I was on the TV and u know which song was playing.

Yoongi: which one?

Y/n: I said Yes to my love

Yoongi: Ohhhhhhh


Yoongi: when I reached home I play my favourite song on pc

Y/n: which one?

Yoongi: please shower Love season has come.

Y/n: Yeah it did come very hard tho.

Yoongi: yeah that's why I'm listening.

Y/n: okay Now answer my one question.

Yoongi: ask.

Y/n: after 5 days you have board exams, an important exam of your life.

Yoongi: hmm.

Y/n: so can I say something.

Yoongi: yeah.

Y/n: don't come online till the end of your exam.

Yoongi: R u mad.

Y/n: why?

Yoongi: I won't able to stay without talking to you.

Y/n: Yoongi, please.

Yoongi: Not at all.

Y/n: just consider this as the first wish of our relationship and remember that we are not going to compromise our studies because of the relationship.

Yoongi: okay whatever you say.

Y/n: hmm Good.

Yoongi: ...

Y/n: and this is going to implement from tomorrow.

Yoongi: Tomorrow ??

Y/n: Yes and if u feel like you can't hold on just call me we can talk for 5 minutes.

Yoongi: okay that's fine.

Y/n: Now Go.

Yoongi: Now??

Y/n: yes.

Yoongi: You are not doing this right with me.

Y/n: whatever I'm doing it's good for both of us.

Yoongi: Okey I trust you

Y/n: okay now go study.

Yoongi: Love You Y/n .. take care and u think this is easy. But

Y/n: shhhhh go and I love you too

*Yoongi goes offline. As soon as Yoongi goes offline, Y/n turns the phone aside and now the first tear was falling down the eyes that Yoongi's mobile is beeping the message*

Yoongi: I know it's difficult for both of them but if you want this then ok baby no problem. Al I know I love you and if I say this I mean this too. Never lose trust. Nobody can replace the queen of Yoongi's heart, Y/n. If anyone tries, I know she will die before me. Ok ok, am going. I just came to say that if a tear falls from her eyes, I am ready to reduce my smile. Al I want is my Queen's Smile. so Smile, please

Y/n quickly wipes her tears and smiles after reading this
To Be Continued

Devotional Love [MYG]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz