Phase Two: 2 :: Chapter. 21

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Yoongi's and Y/n were in the car which probably was inside the fire now. Dina tries to go towards the car. But in her hand, Yoongi and Y/n's baby started crying. Namjoon also stopped her from going further. There was smoke everywhere. And The end of someone's love too. Namjoon calls the fire Bridget. Dina was just crying feeling so helpless about the whole situation, Namjoon and Dina both weren't able to understand anything. Yoongi and Y/n's parent's car also comes from behind. They were also shocked and upset after seeing all this. Nobody was able to believe how suddenly this happened. Here little Taehee couldn't understand.

Taehee: Dina aunty. Where are mom and dad? They were in the car with you.

Dina doesn't answer just hugs her and cries jungkook also starts crying seeing his mom. Taehee got upset more. Dina also doesn't know how to handle what answer she can even answer the poor girl. The fire brigade comes but by that time fire is almost died down.

Brigader: Sir, the car is turning into ashes completely. No one can be inside. If any then they might have been turned into ashes too.

Namjoon: What rubbish are you talking about, are you out of mind? Do you know what you are saying? I will make you jobless in just two minutes don't spit nonsense.

Yoongi's parents are silent while Y/n's parents were shooked. Nobody was able to understand that what they heard was true. Taehee's eyes were roaming around. Where are her mom and dad? She asked everyone but no one had any answer. All of them cry their heart out except Taehee. Everyone sits like this after coming home. No voice, no noise. Silence is everywhere. Neither the sound of Y/n's laughter nor the sound of Yoongi's voice made everyone laugh. Everyone was turning their faces from reality cuz they don't want to accept it, but at some times they were not their own. Taehee just keeps asking everyone this all the time when her mom and dad will come. But she never gets an answer. And that little life. Everyone started staying away from him because they think he is cursed and that he had just been born and Killed his parents. No one loves him. Just took care of his eating and drinking. That too not from the heart. That poor little boy who is too unknown to this world is alone. There is only one person who loved him beyond limits. Taehee. And sometimes Namjoon and Dina, but have their own home, they have their jobs, and duties as time passed by they also forget about those two innocent kids. After Yoongi's and Y/n's death, Everyone was sad and grieving. Just in a little period, everything got destroyed. No one thought about those 2 innocent orphans. Neither their grandparents nor their uncle and aunty. Yoongi's and Y/n's parents weren't able to take the news of their children dying before them in that they got sick not after not so long they lost their lives one after one. As for Taehee and Taehyung, those two live in different worlds. No one thought that their life will be turned like this. They both started studying in a school simply. Time has passed. He has grown up. Nobody had answered Taehee's question to date. And Taehyung probably didn't know the meaning of parents. Once a happy family.. got Destroyed overnight.



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