Chapter 89-90

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Chapter 89

Ancheng Bunker, a residential area for Lincheng people.

This area used to be three-story buildings. Now, looking up, they are all tents built. People shuttle through the tent. When eating, you can sit casually in the tent or in the open space outside the tent, or squat or on the mat.

The root cause of this phenomenon is the bad consequences of the invasion of the bunker by wild beasts.

At that time, the battle between wild beasts and mutants, wild beasts and human beings caused countless buildings to collapse or damage. These buildings were built when materials were abundant before the end of the world. After the end of the world, many buildings could not be restored due to the lack of building materials. In addition, dozens of passages were opened by wild beasts.

In desperation, the senior management of the bunker finally made a decision. Demolish the irreparable house. Fill the dismantled construction waste into the passage excavated by the wild beast.

In this way, many irreparable buildings in the entire Ancheng Bunker were demolished.

After the building is demolished, people can only live in tents. And because there are not many people, tents are not as stacked as buildings. Therefore, the living area of many people is compressed. Twenty or thirty people slept in the same tent.

In this case, the whole bunker is everywhere.

For this reason, Tang Tang, Wu Feng and Lao Xu simply went to the river and lived in his space when they went to bed at night.

Although the bunker building was devastated, fortunately, the power system and the air replacement system can still operate normally after maintenance. Otherwise, the living conditions of the whole bunker will be extremely bad.

This is the epitome of the lives of the entire Ancheng Bunker.


At noon on November 17, all the residents of the bunker carried mobile phones and refreshed the forum interface from time to time.

Tang Tang is no exception.

A week ago, when soldiers stationed on the defense line retreated to the bunker one after another, people knew that the new year was coming. And this time the abnormal movement of the sun can be said to have a decisive role in the fate of mankind.

The National Center for Central City Command clearly pointed out that if three new suns appear after this solar change, the bunker will launch the final asylum plan.

The so-called final asylum plan clearly introduces several points in the notice. The final asylum plan focuses on retaining the fire of human survival.

After reading the plan, Tang Tang only felt that many ordinary people would not live long.

As for the emergence of two new suns this time, many things depend on the situation.

People are now swiping their mobile phones and have been praying. Pray that the colorful apertures will appear later, and don't make three suns. One new sun is fine. Two are not too many, and three are directly deadly. This is a state notice, and no one will doubt it.

When the bell rang at 12 noon, the bunker air defense siren sounded. Everyone's mobile phone received a notification from the state: the colorful aperture is coming...

This time, the sun moved, and the country made a live broadcast of the progress on the forum. I don't know if it's because people are experiencing the sequelae of the attack of wild animals. Everyone is very concerned about what's going on the surface.

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