Chapter 67-68

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Chapter 67

Outside the space that everyone can't see, 50 elite soldiers lined up in two to the magma pool.

The steaming magma pool is as usual, and the flock of fish leaps. It's just that their target big fish has not been seen for the time being.

After everyone arrived, they were in place, waiting for the 2-meter-long mutant flying fish to appear.

Huang Jialiang was in the middle part of the queue, and 50 teammates lined up one after another, each holding a few special ropes in his hand. The rope was made into a ring. This rope is interwoven from the wire and the mutant tiger peel orchid branches and leaves, which has high wear resistance and high tension resistance.

As he was vigilant, he silently passed the action plan in his heart.

The mutant flying fish emerged from the magma pool on time half an hour later. The magma sound of "gollum" sounded like a hands-on signal.

After receiving the instructions issued by the leader of the team leader, Huang Jialiang followed other comrades-in-arms and began to wave the rope in his hand. When the whole body of the mutant flying fish comes out of the magma pool.

Fifty identical ropes were thrown out together and flew to the head, snout, biplane root, dorsal fin, pelvic fin, caudal fin and other different places of the mutant flying fish.

The two-meter-long mutant flying fish, coupled with the long sword of the kiss of the fish body, makes this trap-like capture easy for everyone.

Fifty different traps were directly covered with various parts of the mutant flying fish in the established direction.

As soon as the word "pull" came out, 50 soldiers began to work hard.

However, surrounded by 50 traps from different directions, the mutant flying fish still refused to give in easily.

He shook his fins desperately, and his flexible tail kept shaking. Throw the magma that the tail can touch and splash around.

Many soldiers who were pulling ropes were scalded by magma falling from the sky. Even if you wear a special isolation suit, you will inevitably be scalded or even scalded in many parts of the body. Well, the soldiers keep their mission firmly in mind and keep their hands hard and dare not relax at all.

Huang Jialiang was lucky among this group, but his boots were thrown away with a drop of magma. Just a drop of magma instantly penetrated the thick boot compartment and scalded it to the instep. A piece of meat was scalded and couldn't run away.

This is still because he carried the physique of his evolution. Otherwise, I'm afraid this foot will be abandoned.

All the soldiers gritted their teeth at this moment and continued to carry out the task as planned. The smell of sulfur that has been haunting in the nose is full of the smell of meat that comrades-in-arms are scalded. This smell makes them feel sick and harder.

A two-meter-long mutant flying fish cannot fight against 50 evolutionians after the only dominant wings are controlled.

After several saws, the mutant flying fish was dragged out of the magma pool by 50 soldiers like rags. Put it on a platform not far from the magma pool.

The platform is small and can accommodate 50 strong soldiers and a mutant flying fish. If there are more people, many movements will not be easy to perform. That's why only 50 elites were selected in this operation.

"Leatar, the target is over."

The mutant flying fish dragged ashore by them abruptly began to jump desperately when they came into contact with the rocky land. Everyone didn't care about the wounds on their bodies and suppressed the mutant flying fish struggling desperately according to the established plan.

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